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Nominal hours for units of competency from the

UEG Gas Industry Training Package

Updated: 23 Nov 2024

Unit CodeUnit TitleNominal Hours
HLTWHS005Conduct manual tasks safely30
TLIF2006Apply accident-emergency procedures20
TLIF2010Apply fatigue management strategies30
TLIL4059Implement asset management systems40
MSMSUP390Use structured problem-solving tools40
MSMWHS205Control minor incidents30
MSMSUP210Process and record information30
MSMSUP240Undertake minor maintenance30
MSMPER200Work in accordance with an issued permit20
TLIF3096Carry out emergency response to a dangerous goods incident40
TLID3023Use specialised liquid bulk gas transfer equipment40
TLILIC0001Licence to transport dangerous goods by road60
TLIF4066Implement and supervise transport regulations compliance systems80
TLID3036Lift and move load using a mobile crane40
TLIC0003Operate LP gas tanker40
TLIF4065Ensure compliance with Australian Dangerous Goods Code70
TLIF2012Apply safe procedures when handling/transporting dangerous goods or explosives30
MSMPER201Monitor and control work permits20
PMAOPS410Operate remote production facilities40
MSMWHS201Conduct hazard analysis20
PMAOMIR430Conduct and assess incident exercises35
PMASUP444Plan plant preparation and isolation50
PMASUP410Develop plant documentation30
MSMWHS212Undertake first response to fire incidents30
MSMWHS217Gas test atmospheres30
PMAWHS310Investigate incidents30
PMAOMIR346Assess and secure an incident site30
PMAOMIR444Develop incident containment tactics40
MSMPER400Coordinate permit process30
PMASUP311Operate communications hub40
MSMSUP303Identify equipment faults40
PMAOMIR418Coordinate incident response40
PMAOMIR210Control evacuation to muster point20
MSMPER202Observe permit work20
PMAOPS402Respond to abnormal process situations50
MSMWHS216Operate breathing apparatus20
PMAOPS405Operate complex control systems80
PMAWHS311Lead emergency teams20
MSMPER300Issue work permits20
MSMOPS400Optimise process/plant area60
PMAOPS223Operate and monitor valve systems20
PMAWHS211Prepare equipment for emergency response20
PMAOMIR407Audit incident preparedness and established response systems80
MSS402061Use SCADA systems in operations30
MSS402080Undertake root cause analysis50
TLIB0002Carry out vehicle inspection20
MSL974019Perform chemical tests and procedures100
MSL975040Apply routine chromatographic techniques120
MSL975047Apply complex instrumental techniques50
UEGNSG229Prepare simple drawings of as laid gas mains and services40
UEGNSG326Coordinate and monitor staff and contractors60
MSMPMC400Carry out stock control20
UEPMNT368Repair and maintain stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines60
UEPMNT367Install and commission stationary gas fuelled reciprocating engines60
RIIMPO319EConduct backhoe/loader operations200
RIIMPO320FConduct civil construction excavator operations200
PUAFER008Confine small emergencies in a facility7
BSBWHS308Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes50
AVIW0006Perform infrastructure inspections using remote operated systems35
RIIWHS302EImplement traffic management plans20
TLIF0012Implement and coordinate accident-emergency procedures40
TLIF0014Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)40
ICTICT214Operate application software packages60
RIISAM201EHandle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of nontoxic materials16
RIIWHS202EEnter and work in confined spaces30
RIIWHS204EWork safely at heights20
UEECD0024Implement and monitor energy sector WHS policies and procedures20
UEECO0002Maintain documentation20
HLTAID013Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site28
HLTAID011Provide First Aid18
HLTAID009Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation4
BSBINS501Implement information and knowledge management systems50
BSBLDR301Support effective workplace relationships40
BSBLDR414Lead team effectiveness50
BSBLDR522Manage people performance70
BSBOPS402Coordinate business operational plans40
BSBOPS502Manage business operational plans70
BSBOPS404Implement customer service strategies40
BSBPEF301Organise personal work priorities30
BSBOPS505Manage organisational customer service40
BSBPEF402Develop personal work priorities40
BSBPEF501Manage personal and professional development60
BSBTWK502Manage team effectiveness60
BSBWHS311Assist with maintaining workplace safety40
PMAOPS346Operate and troubleshoot liquefaction process40
PMAOPS315Operate and troubleshoot process control systems60
PMAOPS317Undertake ship transfer operations40
PMAOPS338Communicate and monitor pipeline activities40
CPCCLDG3001Licence to perform dogging80
CPCPCM4012Estimate and cost work40
CPCCLRG3001Licence to perform rigging basic level120
CPCCLRG3002Licence to perform rigging intermediate level40
CPPFES2005Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment15
UEGNSG505Operate and monitor gas infrastructure to meet nominated demand80
UEGNSG202Conduct emergency site control on gas distribution assets80
UEGNSG101Undertake gas leak surveys60
UEGNSG302Conduct transmission pipeline emergency repair80
UEGNSG504Monitor and control gas infrastructure using Control Centre systems80
UEGNSG501Communicate with gas industry stakeholders to meet operational requirements80
UEGNSG503Monitor and control field activities80
UEGNSG203Evaluate and extinguish gas fire20
UEGNSG201Conduct distribution pipeline emergency repair80
UEGNSG502Implement emergency and critical incident response for gas infrastructure incidents80
UEGNSG301Conduct emergency site control on gas transmission assets80
RIICCM210EInstall trench support16
RIICCM205FCarry out manual excavation8
RIICCM208ECarry out basic levelling16
RIICCM207ESpread and compact materials manually12
RIICCM206ESupport plant operations8
PMBWELD302EJoin polyethylene plastic pipelines using electrofusion welding20
PMBWELD301EJoin polyethylene plastic pipelines using butt welding20
UETDREL006Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker40
TLID0014Load and unload explosives/dangerous goods30
TLIF0021Administer the implementation of fatigue management strategies50
TLID0016Operate a forklift40
TLID0021Store and handle dangerous goods and hazardous substances40
TLID0018Prepare for transport of dangerous goods50
UEGNSG307Coordinate the operation of relevant plant and equipment for transmission pipeline construction60
UEGNSG215Coordinate construction, laying and testing of gas distribution pipelines100
UEGNSG211Construct and lay steel gas distribution pipelines60
UEGNSG208Construct and lay large copper gas distribution pipelines60
UEGNSG315Withdraw gas from underground storage60
UEGNSG903Fault find and repair hydrogen storage equipment80
UEGNSG709Process meter reading information using appropriate technology45
UEGNSG702Disconnect and reconnect small capacity gas meters40
UEGNSG205Commission or decommission gas distribution pipelines100
UEGNSG902Commission, operate and maintain electrolysers80
UEGNSG304Commission or decommission gas transmission pipelines120
UEGNSG906Undertake routine hydrogen storage operations60
UEGNSG710Read and record meter readings45
UEGNSG102Prepare safe design specifications of a gas system120
UEGNSG707Process data logging information40
UEGNSG509Remotely monitor and operate gas transmission flow and pressure measuring and regulating devices90
UEGNSG704Install and commission data logging equipment50
UEGNSG206Construct and lay copper and stainless steel gas distribution pipelines60
UEGNSG214Coordinate and conduct gas distribution pipeline repair and modifications80
UEGNSG901Apply safety practices, procedures, and compliance standards for handling hydrogen gas40
UEGNSG316Work in proximity of transmission pipeline construction plant and equipment30
UEGNSG317First response to a gas facility event60
UEGNSG905Monitor and control hydrogen in gas distribution networks40
UEGNSG313Monitor and operate flow control, pressure measuring and regulating devices for gas transmission100
UEGNSG701Disconnect and reconnect data logging equipment30
UEGNSG312Inject gas into underground storage60
UEGNSG303Carry out transmission pipeline construction work activities60
UEGNSG306Control gas processing, storage or regasification operations in an LNG storage facility100
UEGNSG715Use data logging equipment30
UEGNSG904Inject hydrogen gas into distribution networks60
UEGNSG309Coordinate transmission pipeline construction operations60
UEGNSG703Fault find and repair data logging equipment60
CPCWHS1001Prepare to work safely in the construction industry6
UEPOPS059Manage, operate and monitor a gas turbine unit30
UEPOPS092Operate and monitor fixed fire protection systems20
UEPOPS107Operate and monitor supervisory control and data acquisition systems30
UEPOPS085Operate and monitor communications system20
UEGNSG002Apply environmental policies and procedures in the gas supply industry20
UEGNSG007Assess the operational capability of gas safety equipment on a delivery vehicle40
UEGNSG009Assist with the construction, laying and connection of gas distribution services to mains40
UEGNSG012Construct and lay plastic gas distribution mains70
UEGNSG010Conduct general excavations40
UEGNSG011Conduct isolations under the permit to work system for gas industry worksites80
UEGNSG013Construct, lay and connect a gas distribution service to a main40
UEGNSG014Control industrial gas storage/processing operations100
UEGNSG008Assist with the construction and laying of gas distribution mains40
UEGNSG015Coordinate gas transmission pipeline repairs and modifications80
UEGNSG017Fill by weight industrial gas cylinders45
UEGNSG016Establish right of way access and maintain transmission pipeline easement45
UEGNSG018First on site response to gas pipeline emergencies80
UEGNSG019Inspect, test and maintain gas cylinders45
UEGNSG020Load, unload, exchange and connect industrial gas cylinders45
UEGNSG022Maintain single stage, single run pressure control devices80
UEGNSG021Maintain multi-stage, multi-run pressure control devices80
UEGNSG023Manage a utilities industry health, safety and environmental (HSE) management system80
UEGNSG027Perform routine maintenance on transmission pipeline facilities and equipment100
UEGNSG025Monitor and operate complex flow control, measuring and regulating devices100
UEGNSG030Store and handle bulk industrial gases100
UEGNSG028Perform scheduled maintenance on gas processing or storage facilities and equipment100
UEGNSG024Monitor and control the transfer of bulk industrial gas100
UEGNSG026Perform routine maintenance on distribution pipelines and facilities100
UEGNSG029Process, mix and blend industrial gases90
UEGNSG031Prepare to work in the gas industry20
UEGNSG033Carry out basic work activities in a gas industry work environment60
UEGNSG034Carry out surveillance of gas transmission pipelines100
UEGNSG035Respond to gas infrastructure emergencies80
UEGNSG032Carry out aerial surveillance of gas transmission pipelines40
UEGNSG038Supervise the operation of plant and equipment for the construction of gas transmission pipelines60
UEGNSG036Supervise and monitor contract work100
UEGNSG037Supervise technical operations for gas distribution or transmission100
UEGNSG039Test new residential and small commercial gas installations60
UEGNSG040Use a portable detector to locate a combustible gas escape40
UEGNSG043Relight Type A gas appliances40
UEGNSG042Pressure test residential and small commercial gas installations40
UEGNSG041Apply safe working practices in the gas supply industry20
UEGNSG045Carry out surveillance on gas distribution assets100
UEGNSG044Repair and maintain stationary gas fuelled turbine engines60
UEGNSG046Coat metallic pipelines100
UEGNSG047Compile a gas industry technical report20
UEGNSG049Control excavations in the vicinity of gas transmission pipelines60
UEGNSG050Control field pipeline operations60
UEGNSG048Conduct butt fusion of large diameter polyethylene gas pipeline systems20
UEGNSG051Coordinate repair of pipeline, facilities and equipment120
UEGNSG053Install and commission stationary gas fuelled turbine engines60
UEGNSG054Install cathodic protection systems100
UEGNSG052Establish a utilities infrastructure worksite60
UEGNSG055Launch and recover PIGs in a gas distribution pipeline80
UEGNSG056Launch and recover PIGs in gas transmission pipelines40
UEGNSG057Liaise with third party and the community to maintain pipeline integrity and community safety40
UEGNSG058Locate, prove and protect utility assets60
UEGNSG059Maintain cathodic protection systems80
UEGNSG060Maintain SCADA controlled flow and pressure equipment and electronic gas measurement equipment100
UEGNSG061Monitor and control gas odourisation80
UEGNSG062Monitor and report on cathodic protection systems40
UEGNSG063Operate and maintain gas station water bath heaters60
UEGNSG064Operate and monitor pipeline control systems60
UEGNSG065Install gas flow, measuring and pressure regulating devices80