Unit Code | Unit Title | Nominal Hours |
MEM13001B | Perform emergency first aid | 10 |
CPPWMT3044A | Identify wastes and hazards | 15 |
RIIWHS202D | Enter and work in confined spaces | 30 |
RIIWHS403D | Apply the mine work health and safety management plan | 80 |
RIIWHS204D | Work safely at heights | 20 |
FNSFLT201 | Develop and use a personal budget | 20 |
FNSORG601 | Negotiate to achieve goals and manage disputes | 50 |
BSBMED301 | Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately | 60 |
BSBMED401 | Manage patient recordkeeping system | 50 |
BSBMED303 | Maintain patient records | 20 |
FNSPRM601 | Establish, supervise and monitor practice systems to conform with legislation and regulations | 60 |
FNSORG602 | Develop and manage financial systems | 60 |
BSBPUR301 | Purchase goods and services | 60 |
BSBWHS504 | Manage WHS risks | 50 |
BSBMED302 | Prepare and process medical accounts | 30 |
BSBMED305 | Apply the principles of confidentiality, privacy and security within the medical environment | 20 |
ICTSAS305 | Provide ICT advice to clients | 40 |
BSBWHS603 | Implement WHS risk management | 50 |
BSBATSIM421 | Support a positive and culturally appropriate workplace culture | 50 |
BSBWHS605 | Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems | 50 |
BSBMED304 | Assist in controlling stocks and supplies | 20 |
FNSINC401 | Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry | 30 |
ICTICT211 | Identify and use basic current industry specific technologies | 40 |
ICPPRP422 | Digitise complex images for reproduction | 80 |
CHCMGT004 | Secure and manage funding | 80 |
TLIE4006 | Collect, analyse and present workplace data and information | 30 |
DEFEVL005 | Evaluate a community based program | |
DEFEVL002 | Evaluate and report collected information | |
DEFEVL003 | Maintain and enhance professional practice | |
DEFEVL006 | Evaluate business performance | |
DEFEVL004 | Evaluate a training and assessment system | |
DEFEVL001 | Develop an evaluation program | |
RIIVEH305E | Operate and maintain a four wheel drive vehicle | 40 |
MSMENV472 | Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices | 40 |
CUAPRE401 | Implement preventive conservation activities | 60 |
CUACNM601 | Manage collection maintenance and preservation procedures | 30 |
CUAIND202 | Develop and apply knowledge of information and cultural services organisations | 45 |
PSPPCM010 | Manage procurement risk | |
PSPPCM009 | Finalise contracts | |
PSPGEN049 | Undertake negotiations | 50 |
PSPETH003 | Promote the values and ethos of public service | |
PSPPCM011 | Plan to manage a contract | |
PSPPCM013 | Make procurement decisions | |
PSPPCM016 | Plan and implement strategic sourcing | |
PSPPCM015 | Conduct and manage coordinated procurement | |
PSPETH002 | Uphold and support the values and principles of public service | |
PSPGEN028 | Provide a quotation | |
PSPPCY004 | Support policy implementation | 30 |
PSPPCM006 | Select providers and develop contracts | |
PSPPCM007 | Manage contracts | 40 |
PSPGEN021 | Contribute to conflict management | |
PSPMGT006 | Develop a business case | 60 |
PSPPCM008 | Manage contract performance | |
PSPMGT012 | Facilitate knowledge management | |
PSPGEN043 | Apply government processes | |
PSPPCM017 | Plan and implement procurement category management | |
PSPPCM012 | Plan for procurement outcomes | |
PSPPCM018 | Conduct demand and procurement spend analysis | |
SIRXPDK001 | Advise on products and services | 30 |
SIRXCEG005 | Maintain business to business relationships | 35 |
SIRXSLS004 | Drive sales results | 30 |
SIRXCEG002 | Assist with customer difficulties | 40 |
SIRXMKT001 | Support marketing and promotional activities | 30 |
SIRXMGT005 | Lead the development of business opportunities | 70 |
SIRXSLS003 | Achieve sales results | 30 |
SIRXCEG004 | Create a customer-centric culture | 35 |
SIRXMKT002 | Use social media to engage customers | 35 |
TAEDEL401 | Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning | 30 |
TAEDES501 | Design and develop learning strategies | 40 |
TAELED804 | Review enterprise e-learning systems and solutions implementation | 80 |
TAEDEL301 | Provide work skill instruction | 40 |
TAELED803 | Implement improved learning practice | 60 |
TAEASS301 | Contribute to assessment | 10 |
CPPDSM4047 | Implement and monitor procurement process | 20 |
CPPCMN4009 | Develop team understanding of and commitment to sustainability | 40 |
SIRXECM003 | Design an ecommerce site | 50 |
SIRXMKT007 | Develop a digital marketing plan | 50 |
SIRXMKT006 | Develop a social media strategy | 30 |
SIRXECM002 | Prepare digital content | 50 |
FNSACC412 | Prepare operational budgets | 40 |
FNSACC312 | Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers | 40 |
FNSACC411 | Process business tax requirements | 50 |
FNSTPB402 | Establish and maintain payroll systems | 45 |
FNSACC413 | Make decisions in a legal context | 60 |
FNSACC416 | Set up and operate a computerised accounting system | 80 |
BSBPRC402 | Negotiate contracts | 50 |
BSBPRC505 | Manage ethical procurement strategy | 60 |
BSBPRC403 | Conduct international procurement | 60 |
BSBPRC504 | Manage a supply chain | 60 |
BSBPRC501 | Manage procurement strategies | 60 |
BSBPRC503 | Manage international procurement | 50 |
BSBPRC401 | Plan procurement | 40 |
BSBPRC406 | Conduct e-procurement | 40 |
BSBPRC502 | Manage supplier relationships | 40 |
MSS015022 | Develop strategies for more sustainable use of resources | 70 |
MSS015025 | Develop a business case for sustainability improvements | 50 |
CUAEVP211 | Assist with the staging of public activities or events | 50 |
CUAEVP411 | Present information on activities, events or public programs | 50 |
ICTICT517 | Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation | 50 |
BSBXCM401 | Apply communication strategies in the workplace | 50 |
BSBXTW301 | Work in a team | 40 |
BSBXCM501 | Lead communication in the workplace | 50 |
BSBXDB502 | Adapt organisations to enhance accessibility for people with disability | 40 |
BSBXDB501 | Support staff members with disability in the workplace | 40 |
BSBXDB401 | Develop and implement recruitment processes that are inclusive of people with disability | 60 |
BSBXDB301 | Respond to the service needs of customers and clients with disability | 40 |
BSBXCM301 | Engage in workplace communication | 40 |
BSBXTW401 | Lead and facilitate a team | 50 |
PUAWHS003 | Implement and monitor organisational work, health and safety policies, procedures and programs | 30 |
PUAFER001 | Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations | 2 |
PUAFER004 | Respond to facility emergencies | 2 |
PUACOM008 | Develop and organise public safety awareness programs | 40 |
BSBWHS518 | Manage WHS hazards associated with maintenance and use of plant | 60 |
BSBWHS614 | Conduct a WHS audit under the guidance of a lead auditor | 40 |
BSBWHS616 | Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks | 40 |
BSBWHS415 | Contribute to implementing WHS management systems | 50 |
BSBWHS513 | Lead WHS risk management | 40 |
BSBWHS309 | Contribute effectively to WHS communication and consultation processes | 30 |
BSBWHS414 | Contribute to WHS risk management | 60 |
BSBWHS520 | Manage implementation of emergency procedures | 40 |
BSBWHS307 | Apply knowledge of WHS laws in the workplace | 20 |
BSBWHS617 | Apply ergonomics to manage WHS risks | 60 |
BSBWHS417 | Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work | 50 |
BSBWHS413 | Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes | 40 |
BSBWHS611 | Develop and implement strategies that support work-related psychological health and safety | 40 |
BSBWHS431 | Develop processes and procedures for controlling hazardous chemicals in the workplace | 50 |
BSBWHS310 | Contribute to WHS issue-resolution processes | 30 |
BSBWHS331 | Participate in identifying and controlling hazardous chemicals | 40 |
BSBWHS412 | Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws | 40 |
BSBWHS515 | Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents | 50 |
BSBWHS531 | Implement and evaluate system of work for managing hazardous chemicals | 40 |
BSBWHS631 | Apply occupational hygiene principles to manage WHS risks | 50 |
BSBWHS517 | Contribute to managing a WHS information system | 50 |
BSBWHS612 | Develop and implement a strategy to support a positive WHS culture | 60 |
BSBWHS516 | Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining an organisation's WHS management system | 50 |
BSBWHS514 | Manage WHS compliance of contractors | 40 |
BSBWHS418 | Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors | 40 |
BSBWHS613 | Evaluate the WHS performance of an organisation | 50 |
BSBWHS416 | Contribute to workplace incident response | 40 |
BSBWHS308 | Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes | 50 |
BSBWHS419 | Contribute to implementing WHS monitoring processes | 60 |
BSBWHS519 | Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools | 40 |
BSBWHS521 | Ensure a safe workplace for a work area | 60 |
BSBWHS512 | Contribute to managing work-related psychological health and safety | 50 |
BSBWHS522 | Manage WHS consultation and participation processes | 40 |
SIRXOSM005 | Develop a basic website for customer engagement | 60 |
SIRXOSM007 | Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting | 60 |
SIRXOSM003 | Use social media and online tools | 35 |
AHCBUS615 | Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program | 200 |
FSKLRG011 | Use routine strategies for work-related learning | 10 |
FSKDIG002 | Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks | 10 |
FSKOCM006 | Use oral communication skills to participate in workplace teams | 10 |
BSBXBD407 | Protect big data integrity | 60 |
BSBXBD401 | Capture and store big data | 80 |
BSBXCS405 | Contribute to cyber security incident responses | 30 |
BSBXBD402 | Test big data samples | 40 |
BSBXCS403 | Contribute to cyber security threat assessments | 30 |
BSBXCS301 | Protect own personal online profile from cyber security threats | 30 |
BSBXBD405 | Develop procedures for managing big data | 40 |
BSBXBD408 | Implement and review procedures for managing big data | 30 |
BSBXCS402 | Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices | 40 |
BSBXCS401 | Maintain security of digital devices | 40 |
BSBXCS404 | Contribute to cyber security risk management | 30 |
BSBXBD403 | Analyse big data | 40 |
BSBXCS303 | Securely manage personally identifiable information and workplace information | 40 |
BSBXCS302 | Identify and report online security threats | 30 |
BSBXBD404 | Use big data for operational decision making | 40 |
BSBXBD501 | Develop big data strategy | 60 |
BSBXBD406 | Present big data insights | 30 |
ICPPRP3220 | Digitise images for reproduction | 50 |
BSBWHS332X | Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities | 30 |
ICTSAS432 | Identify and resolve client ICT problems | 40 |
ICTICT526 | Verify client business requirements | 40 |
ICTICT221 | Identify and use specific industry standard technologies | 40 |
ICTICT612 | Develop contracts and manage contract performance | 30 |
ICTICT616 | Develop communities of practice | 30 |
ICTWEB306 | Develop web presence using social media | 30 |
HLTAID013 | Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site | 28 |
HLTAID011 | Provide First Aid | 18 |
BSBCMM412 | Lead difficult conversations | 40 |
BSBCNV616 | Comply with tax obligations in a conveyancing transaction | 60 |
BSBFIN502 | Manage financial compliance | 60 |
BSBINS515 | Participate in archiving activities | 60 |
BSBINS516 | Undertake cataloguing activities | 100 |
BSBLEG425 | Apply principles of legal project management | 50 |
BSBLEG533 | Support alternative dispute resolution processes | 50 |
BSBLEG531 | Apply legal principles in administrative law matters | 50 |
BSBLEG534 | Take instructions in a legal services environment | 40 |
BSBMKG628 | Lead organisational public relations | 60 |
BSBOPS302 | Identify business risk | 40 |
BSBOPS306 | Record stakeholder interactions | 30 |
BSBPMG541 | Manage complex projects | 60 |
BSBSUS412 | Develop and implement workplace sustainability plans | 50 |
BSBSUS413 | Evaluate and report on workplace sustainability | 45 |
BSBAUD411 | Participate in quality audits | 40 |
BSBAUD511 | Initiate quality audits | 60 |
BSBAUD512 | Lead quality audits | 60 |
BSBAUD513 | Report on quality audits | 60 |
BSBAUD516 | Develop and monitor processes for the management of breaches in compliance requirements | 30 |
BSBAUD514 | Interpret compliance requirements | 20 |
BSBAUD515 | Evaluate and review compliance | 25 |
BSBCMM411 | Make presentations | 30 |
BSBAUD601 | Establish and manage compliance management systems | 50 |
BSBCNV511 | Take instructions in relation to a conveyancing transaction | 120 |
BSBCNV512 | Finalise the conveyancing transaction | 30 |
BSBCMM211 | Apply communication skills | 40 |
BSBCNV611 | Interpret a legal document and provide advice in a conveyancing transaction | 80 |
BSBCNV612 | Identify and apply legal requirements for a conveyancing transaction | 50 |
BSBAUD412 | Work within compliance frameworks | 30 |
BSBCMM511 | Communicate with influence | 60 |
BSBCNV613 | Prepare legal documents for a conveyancing transaction | 80 |
BSBCNV615 | Interpret search results for a conveyancing transaction | 60 |
BSBCNV614 | Apply principles of trust accounting | 60 |
BSBCRT201 | Develop and apply thinking and problem solving skills | 30 |
BSBCRT311 | Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment | 40 |
BSBCRT411 | Apply critical thinking to work practices | 50 |
BSBCRT412 | Articulate, present and debate ideas | 40 |
BSBCRT511 | Develop critical thinking in others | 50 |
BSBCRT413 | Collaborate in creative processes | 40 |
BSBCRT512 | Originate and develop concepts | 30 |
BSBCRT611 | Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving | 60 |
BSBDAT201 | Collect and record data | 40 |
BSBESB302 | Develop and present business proposals | 30 |
BSBESB303 | Organise finances for new business ventures | 50 |
BSBDAT501 | Analyse data | 60 |
BSBESB301 | Investigate business opportunities | 25 |
BSBESB305 | Address compliance requirements for new business ventures | 45 |
BSBESB403 | Plan finances for new business ventures | 50 |
BSBESB304 | Determine resource requirements for new business ventures | 30 |
BSBESB405 | Manage compliance for small businesses | 60 |
BSBESB401 | Research and develop business plans | 50 |
BSBESB404 | Market new business ventures | 50 |
BSBESB407 | Manage finances for new business ventures | 60 |
BSBESB402 | Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures | 60 |
BSBFIN301 | Process financial transactions | 30 |
BSBFIN601 | Manage organisational finances | 80 |
BSBFIN302 | Maintain financial records | 60 |
BSBFIN801 | Lead financial strategy development | 100 |
BSBHRM411 | Administer performance development processes | 40 |
BSBFIN501 | Manage budgets and financial plans | 70 |
BSBFIN401 | Report on financial activity | 50 |
BSBHRM414 | Use human resources information systems | 60 |
BSBHRM416 | Process payroll | 30 |
BSBHRM412 | Support employee and industrial relations | 50 |
BSBHRM417 | Support human resources functions and processes | 50 |
BSBHRM521 | Facilitate performance development processes | 60 |
BSBHRM522 | Manage employee and industrial relations | 80 |
BSBHRM413 | Support the learning and development of teams and individuals | 40 |
BSBHRM524 | Coordinate workforce plan implementation | 60 |
BSBHRM523 | Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals | 60 |
BSBHRM525 | Manage recruitment and onboarding | 60 |
BSBHRM526 | Manage payroll | 30 |
BSBHRM415 | Coordinate recruitment and onboarding | 50 |
BSBESB406 | Establish operational strategies and procedures for new business ventures | 45 |
BSBHRM528 | Coordinate remuneration and employee benefits | 60 |
BSBHRM530 | Coordinate rehabilitation and return to work programs | 50 |
BSBHRM531 | Coordinate health and wellness programs | 60 |
BSBHRM529 | Coordinate separation and termination processes | 60 |
BSBHRM527 | Coordinate human resource functions and processes | 60 |
BSBHRM614 | Contribute to strategic workforce planning | 60 |
BSBINS201 | Process and maintain workplace information | 30 |
BSBHRM612 | Contribute to the development of employee and industrial relations strategies | 60 |
BSBHRM615 | Contribute to the development of diversity and inclusion strategies | 80 |
BSBINS202 | Handle receipt and dispatch of information | 15 |
BSBHRM613 | Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies | 80 |
BSBINS301 | Develop and use information literacy skills | 40 |
BSBINS203 | Assist with circulation services | 15 |
BSBINS302 | Organise workplace information | 30 |
BSBINS303 | Use knowledge management systems | 50 |
BSBINS304 | Process and maintain information resources | 30 |
BSBINS306 | Provide multimedia support | 30 |
BSBHRM611 | Contribute to organisational performance development | 70 |
BSBINS307 | Retrieve information from records | 25 |
BSBINS402 | Coordinate workplace information systems | 40 |
BSBINS309 | Maintain business records | 30 |
BSBINS403 | Obtain information from external and networked sources | 20 |
BSBINS401 | Analyse and present research information | 40 |
BSBINS404 | Search library and information databases | 30 |
BSBINS305 | Participate in cataloguing activities | 40 |
BSBINS405 | Use integrated library management systems | 30 |
BSBINS406 | Assist customers to access information | 40 |
BSBINS409 | Maintain and monitor digital information and records | 50 |
BSBINS407 | Consolidate and maintain library industry knowledge | 60 |
BSBINS308 | Control records | 40 |
BSBINS408 | Provide information from and about records | 20 |
BSBINS410 | Implement records systems for small business | 40 |
BSBINS501 | Implement information and knowledge management systems | 50 |
BSBINS502 | Coordinate data management | 50 |
BSBINS504 | Maintain digital repositories | 45 |
BSBINS505 | Provide subject access and classify material | 100 |
BSBINS503 | Monitor compliance with copyright and licence requirements | 20 |
BSBINS507 | Use advanced functions of integrated library management systems | 35 |
BSBINS509 | Promote literature and reading | 50 |
BSBINS510 | Develop community and stakeholder relationships in a library environment | 50 |
BSBINS508 | Research and analyse information to meet library customer needs | 80 |
BSBINS506 | Implement lending and borrowing processes for collections | 20 |
BSBINS511 | Develop and promote library activities, events and public programs | 60 |
BSBINS514 | Contribute to records retention and disposal schedule | 40 |
BSBINS603 | Initiate and lead applied research | 150 |
BSBINS512 | Monitor business records systems | 40 |
BSBINS602 | Extend own information literacy skills to locate information | 50 |
BSBLDR301 | Support effective workplace relationships | 40 |
BSBLDR411 | Demonstrate leadership in the workplace | 50 |
BSBLDR412 | Communicate effectively as a workplace leader | 40 |
BSBLDR413 | Lead effective workplace relationships | 50 |
BSBINS513 | Contribute to records management framework | 30 |
BSBINS601 | Manage knowledge and information | 80 |
BSBINS604 | Contribute to collection management | 50 |
BSBLDR414 | Lead team effectiveness | 50 |
BSBLDR523 | Lead and manage effective workplace relationships | 50 |
BSBLDR521 | Lead the development of diverse workforces | 60 |
BSBLDR602 | Provide leadership across the organisation | 60 |
BSBLDR522 | Manage people performance | 70 |
BSBLDR811 | Lead strategic transformation | 80 |
BSBLDR812 | Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships | 40 |
BSBLEG312 | Carry out search of the public record | 25 |
BSBLDR813 | Lead and influence ethical practice | 80 |
BSBLDR601 | Lead and manage organisational change | 60 |
BSBLEG311 | Work in a legal services environment | 60 |
BSBLEG315 | Assist in planning activities in a legal services environment | 10 |
BSBLEG313 | Lodge documents in a legal services environment | 10 |
BSBLEG314 | Protect information in a legal services environment | 20 |
BSBLEG423 | Conduct simple legal research | 40 |
BSBLEG424 | Support the drafting of complex legal documents | 80 |
BSBLEG422 | Maintain a file in a legal services environment | 50 |
BSBLEG421 | Apply understanding of the Australian legal system | 60 |
BSBLEG521 | Conduct and apply legal research | 40 |
BSBLEG523 | Apply legal principles in tort law matters | 60 |
BSBLEG522 | Apply legal principles in contract law matters | 60 |
BSBLEG524 | Apply principles of evidence law in matters under litigation | 60 |
BSBLEG526 | Apply legal principles in criminal law matters | 60 |
BSBLEG527 | Apply legal principles in family law matters | 60 |
BSBLEG528 | Apply legal principles in property law matters | 60 |
BSBLEG530 | Apply legal principles in wills and probate matters | 60 |
BSBLEG532 | Assist with court procedure | 60 |
BSBLEG529 | Apply legal principles in corporation law matters | 60 |
BSBMKG433 | Undertake marketing activities | 50 |
BSBMKG431 | Assess marketing opportunities | 50 |
BSBLEG525 | Apply legal principles in intellectual property law matters | 50 |
BSBMKG435 | Analyse consumer behaviour | 60 |
BSBMKG434 | Promote products and services | 40 |
BSBMKG432 | Research international markets | 50 |
BSBMKG437 | Create and optimise digital media | 50 |
BSBMKG439 | Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry | 40 |
BSBMKG436 | Design and test direct marketing activities | 60 |
BSBMKG440 | Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry | 70 |
BSBMKG441 | Develop public relations documents | 80 |
BSBMKG442 | Conduct e-marketing communications | 30 |
BSBMKG544 | Plan and monitor direct marketing activities | 50 |
BSBMKG542 | Establish and monitor the marketing mix | 60 |
BSBMKG543 | Plan and interpret market research | 50 |
BSBMKG547 | Develop strategies to monetise digital engagement | 60 |
BSBMKG541 | Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities | 70 |
BSBMKG545 | Conduct marketing audits | 40 |
BSBMKG438 | Implement and monitor advertising production | 40 |
BSBMKG546 | Develop social media engagement plans | 50 |
BSBMKG548 | Forecast international market and business needs | 50 |
BSBMKG554 | Plan and develop public relations publications | 45 |
BSBMKG549 | Profile and analyse consumer behaviour for international markets | 55 |
BSBMKG550 | Promote products and services to international markets | 70 |
BSBMKG555 | Write persuasive copy | 50 |
BSBMKG553 | Develop public relations campaigns | 50 |
BSBMKG552 | Design and develop marketing communication plans | 60 |
BSBMKG624 | Manage market research | 50 |
BSBMKG621 | Develop organisational marketing strategy | 60 |
BSBMKG551 | Create multiplatform advertisements for mass media | 40 |
BSBMKG623 | Develop marketing plans | 50 |
BSBMKG622 | Manage organisational marketing processes | 50 |
BSBMKG626 | Develop advertising campaigns | 60 |
BSBMKG627 | Execute advertising campaigns | 70 |
BSBMKG625 | Implement and manage international marketing programs | 50 |
BSBOPS101 | Use business resources | 15 |
BSBOPS203 | Deliver a service to customers | 40 |
BSBOPS301 | Maintain business resources | 15 |
BSBOPS303 | Organise schedules | 15 |
BSBOPS201 | Work effectively in business environments | 30 |
BSBOPS202 | Engage with customers | 100 |
BSBOPS403 | Apply business risk management processes | 50 |
BSBOPS305 | Process customer complaints | 30 |
BSBOPS402 | Coordinate business operational plans | 40 |
BSBOPS502 | Manage business operational plans | 70 |
BSBOPS405 | Organise business meetings | 20 |
BSBOPS304 | Deliver and monitor a service to customers | 35 |
BSBOPS503 | Develop administrative systems | 50 |
BSBOPS404 | Implement customer service strategies | 40 |
BSBOPS504 | Manage business risk | 60 |
BSBOPS401 | Coordinate business resources | 30 |
BSBPEF101 | Plan and prepare for work readiness | 20 |
BSBOPS501 | Manage business resources | 80 |
BSBOPS406 | Participate in organisational governance | 40 |
BSBPEF201 | Support personal wellbeing in the workplace | 50 |
BSBOPS602 | Monitor corporate governance activities | 50 |
BSBPEF202 | Plan and apply time management | 20 |
BSBPEF301 | Organise personal work priorities | 30 |
BSBOPS601 | Develop and implement business plans | 60 |
BSBPEF302 | Develop self-awareness | 30 |
BSBPEF401 | Manage personal health and wellbeing | 60 |
BSBOPS505 | Manage organisational customer service | 40 |
BSBPEF403 | Lead personal development | 40 |
BSBPEF502 | Develop and use emotional intelligence | 60 |
BSBPMG420 | Apply project scope management techniques | 40 |
BSBPEF402 | Develop personal work priorities | 40 |
BSBPEF501 | Manage personal and professional development | 60 |
BSBPMG423 | Apply project cost management techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG421 | Apply project time management techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG422 | Apply project quality management techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG425 | Apply project information management and communications techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG424 | Apply project human resources management approaches | 40 |
BSBPMG426 | Apply project risk management techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG427 | Apply project procurement procedures | 40 |
BSBPMG429 | Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques | 40 |
BSBPMG428 | Apply project life cycle management processes | 40 |
BSBPMG430 | Undertake project work | 60 |
BSBPMG530 | Manage project scope | 40 |
BSBPMG531 | Manage project time | 40 |
BSBPMG532 | Manage project quality | 40 |
BSBPMG533 | Manage project cost | 40 |
BSBPMG536 | Manage project risk | 40 |
BSBPMG534 | Manage project human resources | 40 |
BSBPMG535 | Manage project information and communication | 40 |
BSBPMG537 | Manage project procurement | 40 |
BSBPMG539 | Manage project governance | 40 |
BSBPMG538 | Manage project stakeholder engagement | 40 |
BSBPMG630 | Enable program execution | 50 |
BSBPMG540 | Manage project integration | 60 |
BSBPMG631 | Manage program delivery | 60 |
BSBPMG632 | Manage program risk | 60 |
BSBPMG635 | Implement program governance | 60 |
BSBPMG636 | Manage benefits | 40 |
BSBPMG634 | Facilitate stakeholder engagement | 40 |
BSBPMG633 | Provide leadership for the program | 70 |
BSBPMG810 | Prioritise projects and programs | 80 |
BSBPMG811 | Select and balance the portfolio | 100 |
BSBPMG637 | Engage in collaborative alliances | 50 |
BSBPMG812 | Manage and review portfolio performance | 80 |
BSBPMG813 | Govern the portfolio | 100 |
BSBPMG814 | Lead the portfolio | 60 |
BSBPMG816 | Manage portfolio resources | 90 |
BSBPMG815 | Manage portfolio communications and change | 80 |
BSBPMG817 | Manage portfolio risk | 60 |
BSBSTR401 | Promote innovation in team environments | 40 |
BSBSTR301 | Contribute to continuous improvement | 40 |
BSBSTR501 | Establish innovative work environments | 50 |
BSBSTR502 | Facilitate continuous improvement | 60 |
BSBSTR602 | Develop organisational strategies | 80 |
BSBSTR503 | Develop organisational policy | 60 |
BSBSTR603 | Develop business continuity plans | 60 |
BSBSTR402 | Implement continuous improvement | 40 |
BSBSTR601 | Manage innovation and continuous improvement | 70 |
BSBSTR801 | Lead innovative thinking and practice | 80 |
BSBSTR803 | Establish business continuity management strategies | 80 |
BSBSUS211 | Participate in sustainable work practices | 20 |
BSBSTR802 | Lead strategic planning processes for an organisation | 100 |
BSBSUS601 | Lead corporate social responsibility | 50 |
BSBSUS511 | Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 50 |
BSBTEC202 | Use digital technologies to communicate in a work environment | 20 |
BSBTEC203 | Research using the internet | 30 |
BSBSUS411 | Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices | 40 |
BSBTEC101 | Operate digital devices | 20 |
BSBTEC303 | Create electronic presentations | 20 |
BSBTEC302 | Design and produce spreadsheets | 35 |
BSBTEC201 | Use business software applications | 60 |
BSBTEC301 | Design and produce business documents | 80 |
BSBTEC402 | Design and produce complex spreadsheets | 50 |
BSBTEC401 | Design and produce complex text documents | 100 |
BSBTEC405 | Review and maintain organisation's digital presence | 50 |
BSBTEC404 | Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment | 50 |
BSBTWK201 | Work effectively with others | 40 |
BSBTEC501 | Develop and implement an e-commerce strategy | 50 |
BSBTEC601 | Review organisational digital strategy | 60 |
BSBTEC403 | Apply digital solutions to work processes | 50 |
BSBTWK503 | Manage meetings | 30 |
BSBTWK501 | Lead diversity and inclusion | 60 |
BSBTWK301 | Use inclusive work practices | 30 |
BSBTWK401 | Build and maintain business relationships | 35 |
BSBWHS211 | Contribute to the health and safety of self and others | 20 |
BSBTWK502 | Manage team effectiveness | 60 |
BSBWHS311 | Assist with maintaining workplace safety | 40 |
BSBTWK601 | Develop and maintain strategic business networks | 50 |
BSBWHS411 | Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs | 50 |
BSBWRT411 | Write complex documents | 50 |
BSBWRT311 | Write simple documents | 30 |
LGACOR011 | Analyse financial reports and budgets | 50 |
BSBWHS432X | Contribute to organisational mental health response in the context of disruptive events | 70 |
BSBFNG407 | Oversee asset management in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation | 40 |
BSBXCS408 | Develop employee cyber security risk profiles | 50 |
BSBOPS506X | Plan for organisational disruption | 60 |
BSBFNG403 | Participate as a board member of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation | 60 |
BSBXCS407 | Develop cyber hygiene best practice plan | 60 |
BSBFNG406 | Assist in developing and implementing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisational policies | 40 |
BSBXCS409 | Plan and implement organisational cyber security insider threat prevention strategies | 60 |
BSBXCS305 | Identify and assess cyber security insider threats and risks | 45 |
BSBFNG402 | Interact with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation members and the community | 30 |
BSBOPS407X | Support organisational response to disruption | 50 |
BSBFNG405 | Review and apply the constitution in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation | 40 |
BSBFNG401 | Plan and chair Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation board meetings | 60 |
BSBXCS304 | Apply cyber hygiene best practices | 45 |
BSBFNG408 | Represent an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation | 40 |
BSBFNG404 | Maintain and protect cultural values in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation | 60 |
BSBXCS406 | Develop cyber security insider threat and risk response plans | 50 |
BSBOPS507X | Manage organisational response to disruption | 80 |
BSBXCS306 | Apply own techniques to prevent cyber security insider threats | 50 |
BSBFNG409 | Comply with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation director obligations | 55 |