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Nominal hours for units of competency from the

AHC10 Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management

Updated: 23 Nov 2024

Unit CodeUnit TitleNominal Hours
LGAPLEM508AManipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems40
SRXGRO002ADeal with conflict10
LGACOM502BDevise and conduct community consultations40
LGALAND504AUndertake effective consultation with Indigenous people on matters of cultural heritage80
LGAREGS305AUndertake animal or reptile control duties40
PSPPOL404ASupport policy implementation30
PSPPOL603AManage policy implementation40
PSPPM402BManage simple projects65
PSPPM502BManage complex projects80
PSPPM503BClose complex projects80
FPIFGM2208AFall trees manually (basic)80
FPIFGM3204AFall trees manually (intermediate)100
FPIFGM3205AFall trees manually (advanced)120
SRXGOV001BParticipate as a member of an effective Board of an organisation18
SRXGOV004BWork effectively with the Board of an organisation18
MEM05004CPerform routine oxy acetylene welding20
MEM05007CPerform manual heating and thermal cutting20
MEM05012CPerform routine manual metal arc welding20
MEM05049BPerform routine gas tungsten arc welding20
MEM05050BPerform routine gas metal arc welding20
MEM05051ASelect welding processes20
MEM05052AApply safe welding practices40
MEM12023APerform engineering measurements30
MEM18001CUse hand tools20
MEM18002BUse power tools/hand held operations20
HLTFA201AProvide basic emergency life support10
CULMS002BResearch and evaluate Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural material
CULMS010BContribute to the preservation of cultural material50
SIRXADM001AApply retail office procedures20
SIRXADM002ACoordinate retail office35
SIRXCLM001AOrganise and maintain work areas20
SIRXFIN002APerform retail finance duties25
SIRXICT001AOperate retail technology20
SIRXINV002AMaintain and order stock35
SIRXINV004ABuy merchandise50
SIRXINV005AControl inventory40
SIRXMER004AManage merchandise and store presentation35
SIRXMPR001AProfile a retail market35
SIRXPRO007AImprove supply and distribution chains80
SIRXRSK002AMaintain store security20
SIRXSLS002AAdvise on products and services30
CPPSIS4005ACollect basic GPS data20
BSBADM504BPlan or review administrative systems50
BSBCMM401AMake a presentation30
BSBDES403ADevelop and extend design skills and practice30
BSBDES501AImplement design solutions60
BSBDES502AEstablish, negotiate and refine a design brief65
BSBFIA301AMaintain financial records60
BSBFIA402AReport on financial activity30
BSBFIM501AManage budgets and financial plans70
BSBHRM402ARecruit, select and induct staff50
BSBHRM506AManage recruitment selection and induction processes60
BSBHRM604AManage employee relations60
BSBINM201AProcess and maintain workplace information30
BSBITU203ACommunicate electronically20
BSBITU306ADesign and produce business documents80
BSBITU404AProduce complex desktop published documents50
BSBMGT402AImplement operational plan40
BSBMGT617ADevelop and implement a business plan60
BSBPRO301ARecommend products and services20
BSBREL402ABuild client relationships and business networks50
BSBRES401AAnalyse and present research information40
BSBRSK401AIdentify risk and apply risk management processes50
BSBSLS402AIdentify sales prospects25
BSBSMB403AMarket the small business50
BSBSMB406AManage small business finances60
BSBSUS301AImplement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices40
BSBWOR204AUse business technology20
BSBWOR402APromote team effectiveness50
NWP203BPlan and organise personal work activities20
NWP209BUse maps, plans, drawings and specifications30
NWP210BPerform basic water quality tests20
NWP215BInstall and replace basic volumetric metering equipment30
NWP222AOperate basic flow control and regulating devices in irrigation systems20
NWP226BPrepare and restore work site30
NWP251BConstruct open earthen channels or drains30
NWP252BConstruct and install irrigation delivery and stormwater drainage assets30
NWP305BMonitor and conduct minor maintenance on complex flow control and metering devices40
NWP316BMonitor and schedule water deliveries40
NWP362BMonitor, operate and control reclaimed water irrigation40
NWP401BCoordinate and monitor the application of environmental plans and procedures80
NWP425BCoordinate and monitor the operation of irrigation delivery systems60
NWP512BImplement and manage catchment management plan120
NWP513BDevelop and review catchment management plan100
NWP516BImplement and manage surface water management plan120
NWP517BDevelop and review surface water management plan120
NWP518BPrepare and report on data related to flood mitigation80
NWP519BDevelop and report flood mitigation80
PUACOM012BLiaise with media at a local level20
PUAFIR201BPrevent injury90
PUAFIR204BRespond to wildfire60
PUAFIR303BSuppress wildfire80
PUAFIR406BDevelop prescribed burning plans40
PUAFIR407BConduct prescribed burning40
PUAFIR601BDevelop and administer agency policy, procedures and practices100
PUALAW001BProtect and preserve incident scene20
PUAOPE004BConduct briefings/debriefings30
PUAOPE005BManage a multi team response50
CPCCCM3003AWork safely around power sources, services and assets40
CPCCDO3001APerform dogging80
CPCCOHS2001AApply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry20
CPCPCM2007ACarry out levelling6
CPCPWT3007AConnect irrigation systems from drinking water supply6
RIIOHS302AImplement traffic management plan20
FPICOT2221BTrim and cross cut felled trees40
MEM05015DWeld using manual metal arc welding process40
MEM05017DWeld using gas metal arc welding process40
MEM05019DWeld using gas tungsten arc welding process40
MSL904001APerform standard calibrations50
MSL913002APlan and conduct laboratory/field work40
MSL922001ARecord and present data40
MSL924001AProcess and interpret data70
MSL924002AUse laboratory application software60
MSL933001AMaintain the laboratory/field workplace fit for purpose30
MSL933004APerform calibration checks on equipment and assist with its maintenance40
MSL934002AApply quality system and continuous improvement processes80
MSL934003AMaintain and control stocks50
MSL973007APerform microscopic examination40
TAEDEL301AProvide work skill instruction40
BSBWOR404BDevelop work priorities40
FPICOT2239ATrim and cut felled trees40
NWP302AInstall meters for non-potable, non-urban water supplies30
NWP304AMaintain meters for non-potable, non-urban water supplies20
NWP410CCoordinate and monitor asset construction and maintenance70
FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30
FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70
FDFGPS2011AOperate a creamed honey manufacture process50
FDFGR3002ADemonstrate knowledge of animal nutrition principles40
FDFOP2003AClean equipment in place30
FDFOP2004AClean and sanitise equipment30
FDFOP2012AMaintain food safety when loading, unloading and transporting food40
FDFOP2013AApply sampling procedures20
FDFOP2016AWork in a food handling area for non-food handlers30
FDFOP2023AOperate a packaging process40
FDFOP2038AOperate a grinding process30
FDFTEC3001AParticipate in a HACCP team50
TLID1001AShift materials safely using manual handling methods20
TLID2022AConduct weighbridge operations20
TLIL5019AImplement and monitor transport logistics40
TLILIC2001ALicence to operate a forklift truck40
TLILIC2005ALicence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)30
TLIR4002ASource goods/services and evaluate contractors30
TLIR4003ANegotiate a contract40
FPICOT2234BOperate 4x4 vehicle40
FPICOT3202BNavigate in remote or trackless areas80
FPIFGM2201BCollect seed40
FPIFGM3201BManage seed collection80
FPIFGM3202BExtract seed20
FPIHAR2206BOperate a mobile chipper/mulcher30
SISXRES506AUndertake open-space planning20
AHCAGB301AKeep records for a primary production business60
AHCAGB401AImplement and monitor a property improvement plan80
AHCAGB402AAnalyse and interpret production data100
AHCAGB501ADevelop climate risk management strategies120
AHCAGB502APlan and manage infrastructure requirements80
AHCAGB503APlan and monitor production processes120
AHCAGB504APlan production for the whole land/farm based business180
AHCAGB505ADevelop a whole farm plan120
AHCAGB601ADevelop export markets for produce200
AHCAGB602AManage estate planning200
AHCAGB603AManage the production system260
AHCAGB604AAnalyse business performance200
AHCAGB605AManage business capital240
AHCAGB606AManage price risk through trading strategy200
AHCAIS201AAssist with artificial insemination procedures20
AHCAIS301ACollect semen30
AHCAIS302AProcess and store semen40
AHCAIS303AArtificially inseminate livestock80
AHCAIS401ASupervise artificial breeding and/or embryo transfer programs80
AHCARB201AApply a range of treatments to trees30
AHCARB202AFell small trees40
AHCARB203APerform above ground pruning40
AHCARB204AUndertake standard climbing techniques40
AHCARB205AOperate and maintain chainsaws40
AHCARB206AUndertake stump removal10
AHCARB207APerform ground based rigging60
AHCARB301AImplement a tree maintenance program40
AHCARB302AConduct tree inspections80
AHCARB303AImplement a tree pruning program80
AHCARB304AFell trees with advanced techniques80
AHCARB305ARemove trees in confined spaces120
AHCARB306AUndertake aerial rescue60
AHCARB307AUndertake complex tree climbing120
AHCARB308AInstall cable and bracing60
AHCARB309AImplement a tree protection program30
AHCARB310APerform aerial rigging90
AHCARB501AAssess trees120
AHCARB502AIdentify, select and specify trees120
AHCARB503ADiagnose tree diseases120
AHCARB504ADevelop a tree protection program90
AHCARB505ADocument and audit tree work90
AHCBAC101ASupport agricultural crop work15
AHCBAC201AAssist agricultural crop establishment60
AHCBAC202AAssist agricultural crop maintenance40
AHCBAC203AAssist agricultural crop harvesting60
AHCBAC204APrepare grain storages40
AHCBAC205AOperate cane haulage vehicle
AHCBAC301AConserve forage80
AHCBAC302AEstablish pastures and crops for livestock production80
AHCBAC303APrepare to receive grains/seeds40
AHCBAC304ATest grains/seeds on receival40
AHCBAC305AUndertake preparation of land for agricultural crop production60
AHCBAC306AEstablish agricultural crops60
AHCBAC307AMaintain agricultural crops40
AHCBAC308AUndertake agricultural crop harvesting activities80
AHCBAC401AManage pastures for livestock production120
AHCBAC402APlan a pasture establishment program120
AHCBAC403ASupervise agricultural crop establishment60
AHCBAC404APlan and implement agricultural crop maintenance80
AHCBAC405ASupervise agricultural crop harvesting80
AHCBAC406AMaintain grain quality in storage40
AHCBAC407ASave, prepare and store agricultural seed30
AHCBAC501AManage agricultural crop production120
AHCBAC502AManage forage conservation120
AHCBAC503AManage integrated crop and pasture production120
AHCBAC504APlan and manage a stored grain program100
AHCBAC505APlan and manage long-term weed, pest and/or disease control in crops130
AHCBAC506AManage the harvest of crops130
AHCBAC507ADevelop production plans for crops140
AHCBEK201ASupport beekeeping work20
AHCBEK202AUse a bee smoker10
AHCBEK203AOpen and reassemble a beehive20
AHCBEK204AConstruct and repair beehives25
AHCBEK301AManage honey bee swarms15
AHCBEK302AManipulate honey bee brood30
AHCBEK303ARe-queen a honey bee colony30
AHCBEK304ARemove a honey crop from a hive20
AHCBEK305AExtract honey20
AHCBEK306AManage pests and disease within a honey bee colony60
AHCBEK401ACollect and store propolis15
AHCBEK402APerform queen bee artificial insemination60
AHCBEK403AProduce and harvest royal jelly30
AHCBEK404AProvide bee pollination services15
AHCBEK405ASelect and establish an apiary site50
AHCBEK406ATrap and store pollen15
AHCBEK407ARear queen bees50
AHCBIO201AInspect and clean machinery for plant, animal and soil material20
AHCBIO202AFollow site quarantine procedures20
AHCBIO301AWork effectively in an emergency disease or plant pest response50
AHCBIO302AIdentify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs50
AHCBIO303ACarry out emergency disease or plant pest control procedures at infected premises50
AHCBIO304ACarry out movement and security procedures50
AHCBIO305AMonitor and review biosecurity measures100
AHCBIO401ASupervise activities on infected premises80
AHCBIO402ACarry out field surveillance for a specific emergency disease or plant pest80
AHCBIO403APlan and implement a biosecurity program120
AHCBIO501AManage active operational emergency disease or plant pest sites120
AHCBIO502AManage the implementation of an emergency disease or plant pest control program120
AHCBIO601APlan and oversee an emergency disease or plant pest control program200
AHCBUS301AUse hand held e-business tools70
AHCBUS401AAdminister finance, insurance and legal requirements120
AHCBUS402ACost a project50
AHCBUS403ASupport and review business structures and relationships120
AHCBUS404AOperate within a budget framework50
AHCBUS405AParticipate in an e-business supply chain90
AHCBUS501AManage staff140
AHCBUS502AMarket products and services120
AHCBUS503ANegotiate and monitor contracts120
AHCBUS504APrepare estimates, quotes and tenders120
AHCBUS505ADevelop a marketing plan140
AHCBUS506ADevelop and review a business plan150
AHCBUS507AMonitor and review business performance120
AHCBUS508APrepare and monitor budgets and financial reports140
AHCBUS601AManage capital works220
AHCBUS602AReview land management plans and strategies250
AHCBUS603ADevelop and review a strategic plan250
AHCBUS604ADesign and manage the enterprise quality management system250
AHCBUS605AManage human resources220
AHCBUS606ADevelop a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program200
AHCBUS607AImplement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program200
AHCBUS608AManage risk200
AHCCCF401APrepare project acquittal80
AHCCCF402AReport on project60
AHCCCF403AObtain and manage sponsorship60
AHCCCF404AContribute to association governance60
AHCCCF405ADevelop community networks40
AHCCCF406AFacilitate ongoing group development60
AHCCCF407AObtain resources from community and groups60
AHCCCF408APromote community programs60
AHCCCF409AParticipate in assessments of project submissions40
AHCCCF410ASupport individuals in resource management change processes80
AHCCCF411ADevelop approaches to include cultural and human diversity40
AHCCCF412ACoordinate board/committee elections30
AHCCCF413AService committees40
AHCCCF414ACoordinate fund-raising activities40
AHCCCF415ACoordinate social events to support group purposes40
AHCCCF416APresent proposed courses of action to meeting40
AHCCCF501AEvaluate project submissions80
AHCCCF502AFacilitate development of group goals and projects150
AHCCCF503APromote group formation and development100
AHCCCF504ASupport group and community changes in resource management100
AHCCCF505AContribute to regional planning process120
AHCCCF506AManage the incorporation of a group100
AHCCCF601AMap regional issues and stakeholders200
AHCCHM101AFollow basic chemical safety rules10
AHCCHM201AApply chemicals under supervision30
AHCCHM301AConduct fumigation in enclosed spaces100
AHCCHM302AFumigate soil using chemicals60
AHCCHM303APrepare and apply chemicals70
AHCCHM304ATransport, handle and store chemicals50
AHCCHM305AConduct manual fumigation of vertebrate and invertebrate pests100
AHCCHM401AMinimise risks in the use of chemicals60
AHCCHM402APlan and implement a chemical use program90
AHCCHM403APrepare safe operating procedures for calibration of equipment40
AHCCHM501ADevelop and manage a chemical use strategy80
AHCCOM201AAssess and receive raw materials for composting50
AHCCOM202ARecognise and respond to fire emergencies on a composting site30
AHCCOM203ARecognise raw materials, production processes and products on a composting site20
AHCCOM301AOperate compost processing plant, machinery and equipment70
AHCCOM302ADispatch materials and composted product30
AHCCOM303AOperate a compost bagging process30
AHCCOM401ADevelop a composting recipe100
AHCCOM402APlan and schedule compost production80
AHCCOM501AIdentify and secure raw materials supply for compost production100
AHCDER401AHandle, store and grade deer velvet40
AHCDER501AComply with deer industry national velvet accreditation requirements60
AHCDER502AHarvest deer velvet80
AHCDES501ADesign sustainable landscapes80
AHCDES502APrepare a landscape project design240
AHCDES503AAssess landscape sites110
AHCDES504ADesign for construction of landscape features100
AHCDRG201AMaintain drainage systems20
AHCDRG301AInstall drainage systems50
AHCDRG302AMeasure drainage system performance70
AHCDRG303ATroubleshoot drainage systems30
AHCDRG501ADesign drainage systems120
AHCDRY201AMilk livestock30
AHCDRY301ACoordinate milking operations30
AHCDRY302AOperate a dairy recycling system40
AHCDRY401AManage milking shed routines80
AHCEXP301AHandle and store explosives70
AHCEXP302AIdentify and select explosive products60
AHCEXP303APrepare and use explosives70
AHCFAU201ARecognise fauna40
AHCFAU301ARespond to wildlife emergencies70
AHCFAU501AManage fauna populations150
AHCFIR201AAssist with prescribed burning50
AHCFIR501AManage wildfire hazard reduction programs150
AHCHBR101ASupport horse work70
AHCHBR201AMonitor horse health and welfare40
AHCHBR202AHandle young horses40
AHCHBR203AProvide daily care for horses40
AHCHBR204AAssist with mating procedures and parturition of horses40
AHCHBR302ACarry out basic hoof care procedures50
AHCHBR303ACarry out mare mating or artificial insemination procedures60
AHCHBR304AEducate, ride and care for horses and equipment100
AHCHBR305AHandle and care for stallions60
AHCHBR306APrevent and treat equine injury and disease50
AHCHBR307AAssess suitability of horses for stock work60
AHCHBR401ACarry out stud stable management duties80
AHCHBR402ASupervise raising young horses80
AHCHYD301AImplement a maintenance program for hydroponic systems60
AHCHYD302AInstall hydroponic systems60
AHCHYD501ADevelop a plan for a hydroponic system120
AHCILM201AMaintain cultural places20
AHCILM202AObserve and report plants and/or animals40
AHCILM203ARecord information about country40
AHCILM301APropose appropriate uses of traditional customs60
AHCILM302AProvide appropriate information on cultural knowledge60
AHCILM401AProtect places of cultural significance60
AHCILM402AReport on place of potential cultural significance80
AHCILM403AContribute to the proposal for a negotiated outcome for a given area of country80
AHCILM404ARecord and document community history60
AHCILM405ADevelop work practices to accommodate cultural identity80
AHCILM501AConduct field research into natural and cultural resources200
AHCILM502ADevelop conservation strategies for cultural resources120
AHCILM503AManage restoration of cultural places150
AHCILM504ADevelop strategies for Indigenous land or sea management150
AHCILM505AMap relationship of business enterprise to culture and country120
AHCILM506AOperate within community cultures and goals100
AHCILM508APropose a negotiated outcome for a given area of country150
AHCILM509APlan burning activities for natural and cultural resource management80
AHCILM601AManage cultural processes in an Indigenous organisation220
AHCINF201ACarry out basic electric fencing operations40
AHCINF202AInstall, maintain and repair fencing30
AHCINF203AMaintain properties and structures30
AHCINF204AFabricate and repair metal or plastic structures60
AHCINF301AImplement property improvement, construction and repair70
AHCINF302APlan and construct an electric fence60
AHCINF303APlan and construct conventional fencing60
AHCIRG101ASupport irrigation work15
AHCIRG201AAssist with the operation of gravity fed irrigation20
AHCIRG202AAssist with the operation of pressurised irrigation40
AHCIRG203AInstall micro-irrigation systems30
AHCIRG204ALay irrigation and/or drainage pipes25
AHCIRG205AMaintain gravity-fed irrigation systems20
AHCIRG206AMaintain pressurised irrigation systems20
AHCIRG301AImplement a maintenance program for an irrigation system50
AHCIRG302AInstall irrigation systems70
AHCIRG303AMeasure irrigation delivery system performance70
AHCIRG304AOperate gravity fed irrigation systems50
AHCIRG305AOperate pressurised irrigation systems50
AHCIRG306ATroubleshoot irrigation systems50
AHCIRG307ARecommend irrigation products and services70
AHCIRG401AAcquire resources for irrigation installation and construction80
AHCIRG402ADetermine hydraulic parameters for an irrigation system80
AHCIRG404AImplement an irrigation-related environmental protection program80
AHCIRG405APlan and coordinate gravity-fed irrigation systems80
AHCIRG406APlan on-site irrigation system installation and construction work80
AHCIRG407ASupervise on-site irrigation installation and construction work80
AHCIRG408ASchedule irrigations50
AHCIRG501AAudit irrigation systems100
AHCIRG502ADesign irrigation system maintenance and monitoring programs80
AHCIRG503ADesign irrigation, drainage and water treatment systems120
AHCIRG504ADevelop an irrigation and drainage management plan120
AHCIRG505AEstablish and maintain an irrigation-related environmental protection program120
AHCLPW301ASupervise park visitor activities60
AHCLPW303AConstruct access tracks70
AHCLPW304ACarry out inspection of designated area70
AHCLPW305APerform diving for scientific purposes60
AHCLPW306AUndertake sampling and testing of water70
AHCLPW401AProcess applications for changes in land use80
AHCLPW402AImplement land and sea management practices80
AHCLPW403AInspect and monitor cultural places50
AHCLPW404AProduce maps for land management purposes120
AHCLPW405AMonitor biodiversity100
AHCLPW501ADevelop a management plan for a designated area200
AHCLPW503AAssess applications for legislative compliance150
AHCLPW504AReview assessments for legislative compliance150
AHCLPW505AImplement natural and cultural resource management plans150
AHCLPW506AInvestigate suspected breaches of Natural Resource Management (NRM) legislation100
AHCLPW601ACoordinate the preparation of a regional resource management plan230
AHCLSC101ASupport landscape work15
AHCLSC201AAssist with landscape construction work30
AHCLSC202AConstruct low-profile timber or modular retaining walls50
AHCLSC203AInstall aggregate paths20
AHCLSC204ALay paving30
AHCLSC205AInstall tree protection devices20
AHCLSC301ASet out site for construction works50
AHCLSC302AConstruct landscape features using concrete80
AHCLSC303AConstruct brick and/or block structures and features100
AHCLSC304AErect timber structures and features60
AHCLSC305AConstruct stone structures and features50
AHCLSC306AImplement a paving project100
AHCLSC307AImplement a retaining wall project100
AHCLSC308AInstall metal structures and features80
AHCLSC309AInstall water features60
AHCLSC310AImplement a tree transplanting program60
AHCLSC401ASupervise landscape project works80
AHCLSC501ASurvey and establish site levels110
AHCLSC502AManage landscape projects200
AHCLSC503AManage a tree transplanting program100
AHCLSK101ASupport extensive livestock work15
AHCLSK102ASupport intensive livestock work15
AHCLSK201AAssist with feeding in a production system40
AHCLSK202ACare for health and welfare of livestock40
AHCLSK203ACarry out birthing duties40
AHCLSK204ACarry out regular livestock observation40
AHCLSK205AHandle livestock using basic techniques30
AHCLSK206AIdentify and mark livestock20
AHCLSK207ALoad and unload livestock20
AHCLSK208AMonitor livestock to parturition30
AHCLSK209AMonitor water supplies20
AHCLSK210AMuster and move livestock25
AHCLSK211AProvide feed for livestock30
AHCLSK212ARide horses to carry out stock work60
AHCLSK213AClean out production sheds20
AHCLSK214AMaintain production growing environments30
AHCLSK215ACarry out alpaca handling and husbandry operations30
AHCLSK301AAdminister medication to livestock80
AHCLSK302AMate and monitor reproduction of alpacas60
AHCLSK303ACarry out feedlot operations40
AHCLSK304ACarry out post-mortem examination of livestock60
AHCLSK305AMaintain livestock water supplies30
AHCLSK306ACoordinate and monitor production performance40
AHCLSK307AEuthanase livestock40
AHCLSK308AIdentify and draft livestock40
AHCLSK309AImplement animal health control programs50
AHCLSK310AImplement feeding plans for intensive production100
AHCLSK311AImplement feeding plans for livestock140
AHCLSK312ACoordinate artificial insemination and fertility management of livestock80
AHCLSK313AMonitor livestock production growing environments60
AHCLSK314APrepare animals for parturition50
AHCLSK315APrepare for and implement natural mating of livestock30
AHCLSK316APrepare livestock for competition90
AHCLSK317APlan to exhibit livestock80
AHCLSK318ARear newborn and young livestock50
AHCLSK319ASlaughter livestock40
AHCLSK320ACoordinate and monitor livestock transport60
AHCLSK321AService and repair bores and windmills80
AHCLSK322ATransport farm produce or bulk materials50
AHCLSK323AMaintain and monitor feed stocks60
AHCLSK324ACare for and train working dogs25
AHCLSK325ACastrate livestock20
AHCLSK326AMix and mill standard stockfeed30
AHCLSK327ACollect, store and administer colostrum40
AHCLSK328ARemove and facilitate reuse of effluent and manure from an intensive production system60
AHCLSK329AImplement procedures for calving60
AHCLSK330AImplement procedures for foaling down mares100
AHCLSK331AComply with industry animal welfare requirements40
AHCLSK332AMonitor animals in intensive production systems80
AHCLSK333AMonitor pen condition and ration suitability80
AHCLSK401ADevelop feeding plans for a production system80
AHCLSK402ADevelop livestock feeding plans140
AHCLSK404AImplement and monitor animal welfare programs80
AHCLSK405AImplement intensive production systems80
AHCLSK406AOversee animal marking operations80
AHCLSK407APlan and monitor intensive production systems120
AHCLSK408APregnancy test animals80
AHCLSK409ASupervise animal health programs110
AHCLSK410ASupervise feedlot operations100
AHCLSK411ASupervise natural mating of livestock80
AHCLSK412AArrange livestock purchases80
AHCLSK413ADesign livestock handling facilities100
AHCLSK414AArrange transport for farm produce or livestock50
AHCLSK415AOversee alpaca farm activities80
AHCLSK416AIdentify and select animals for breeding100
AHCLSK417AManage horses for stock work60
AHCLSK501AManage livestock production180
AHCLSK502AArrange marketing of livestock100
AHCLSK503ADevelop and implement a breeding strategy160
AHCLSK504ADevelop livestock health and welfare strategies150
AHCLSK505ADevelop production plans for livestock180
AHCLSK506ADesign livestock effluent systems120
AHCMER301AProcess customer complaints60
AHCMER302AProvide advice on hardware products60
AHCMER303ASell products and services50
AHCMER401ACoordinate customer service and networking activities80
AHCMER402AProvide advice and sell machinery60
AHCMER403AProvide advice and sell farm chemicals70
AHCMER404AProvide advice on agronomic products50
AHCMER405AProvide advice on livestock products50
AHCMER406AProvide information on fertilisers and soil ameliorants80
AHCMER501ADevelop a sales strategy for rural products120
AHCMKH301ACarry out minor service of milking equipment150
AHCMKH303AService and repair milking equipment100
AHCMKH304AMonitor and provide advice on cleaning milking machines100
AHCMKH305AMechanically test milking machines150
AHCMKH401ACarry out cleaning-time tests of milking machines100
AHCMKH402ADesign and fabricate milking equipment installations200
AHCMKH403ADesign and install on-farm milk cooling and storage150
AHCMKH404AInstall milking equipment200
AHCMKH405APerformance test milking machines200
AHCMOM101AAssist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipment20
AHCMOM201AOperate two wheel motorbikes30
AHCMOM202AOperate tractors40
AHCMOM203AOperate basic machinery and equipment20
AHCMOM204AUndertake operational maintenance of machinery30
AHCMOM205AOperate vehicles20
AHCMOM206AConduct grader operations40
AHCMOM207AConduct front-end loader operations60
AHCMOM208AConduct excavator operations50
AHCMOM209AConduct dozer operations50
AHCMOM210AConduct scraper operations50
AHCMOM211AOperate side by side utility vehicles30
AHCMOM212AOperate quad bikes60
AHCMOM301ACoordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair80
AHCMOM302APerform machinery maintenance50
AHCMOM304AOperate machinery and equipment40
AHCMOM305AOperate specialised machinery and equipment60
AHCMOM306AGround spread fertiliser and soil ameliorant50
AHCMOM307AOperate a cane harvester30
AHCMOM308AOperate broadacre and row crop harvest machinery and equipment80
AHCMOM309AOperate broadacre sowing machinery and equipment60
AHCMOM310AOperate land-forming machinery and equipment80
AHCMOM311AOperate precision control technology90
AHCMOM312AOperate row crop planting and seeding machinery and equipment80
AHCMOM313AOperate mobile irrigation machinery and equipment60
AHCMOM314ATransport machinery40
AHCMOM315AOperate chemical application machinery and equipment90
AHCMOM401AConduct major repair and overhaul of machinery and equipment150
AHCMOM402ASupervise maintenance of property machinery and equipment80
AHCMOM501AManage machinery and equipment90
AHCMOM502AImplement a machinery management system130
AHCMOM601AAnalyse machinery options200
AHCNAR101ASupport natural area conservation15
AHCNAR102ASupport native seed collection80
AHCNAR201ACarry out natural area restoration works40
AHCNAR202AMaintain wildlife habitat refuges40
AHCNAR301AMaintain natural areas80
AHCNAR302ACollect and preserve biological samples80
AHCNAR303AImplement revegetation works80
AHCNAR304AUndertake direct seeding80
AHCNAR401ASupervise natural area restoration works80
AHCNAR402APlan the implementation of revegetation works80
AHCNAR501AManage natural areas on a rural property80
AHCNAR502AConduct biological surveys200
AHCNAR503ADesign a natural area restoration project200
AHCNAR504AManage natural area restoration programs200
AHCNAR505APlan river restoration works150
AHCNAR506ADevelop and implement sustainable land use strategies140
AHCNRM501ADevelop a coastal rehabilitation strategy180
AHCNRM502ADevelop a water quality monitoring program120
AHCNRM503ASupport the implementation of waterways strategies150
AHCNRM504AInterpret and report on catchment hydrology200
AHCNRM505AProvide technical advice on sustainable catchment management180
AHCNRM506APlan and monitor works projects in catchments and waterways200
AHCNRM507AManipulate and analyse data within geographic information systems40
AHCNSY101ASupport nursery work15
AHCNSY201APot up plants20
AHCNSY202ATend nursery plants30
AHCNSY203AUndertake propagation activities30
AHCNSY204AMaintain indoor plants20
AHCNSY301AMaintain nursery plants40
AHCNSY302AReceive and dispatch nursery products40
AHCNSY303AInstall and maintain plant displays60
AHCNSY304ADeliver and promote sales of plants40
AHCNSY305APrepare specialised plants50
AHCNSY306AImplement a propagation plan90
AHCNSY307AOperate fertigation equipment70
AHCNSY401APlan a growing-on program80
AHCNSY402APlan a propagation program120
AHCOHS101AWork safely10
AHCOHS201AParticipate in OHS processes20
AHCOHS301AContribute to OHS processes50
AHCOHS401AMaintain occupational health and safety (OHS) processes70
AHCOHS501AManage Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) processes90
AHCORG101ASupport organic production20
AHCORG401AManage biodynamic production100
AHCORG402AManage organic livestock production100
AHCORG403AManage organic soil improvement100
AHCORG501ADevelop an organic management plan120
AHCORG502APrepare the enterprise for organic certification140
AHCPCM201ARecognise plants40
AHCPCM202ACollect, prepare and preserve plant specimens30
AHCPCM301AImplement a plant nutrition program60
AHCPCM302AProvide information on plants and their culture70
AHCPCM303AIdentify plant specimens80
AHCPCM401ARecommend plants and cultural practices80
AHCPCM402ADevelop a soil health and plant nutrition program90
AHCPCM501ADiagnose plant health problems120
AHCPCM502ACollect and classify plants120
AHCPCM503ASpecify plants for landscapes130
AHCPCM504ADesign and maintain a specialised landscape150
AHCPCM601ADevelop and implement a plant health management strategy200
AHCPGD101ASupport gardening work10
AHCPGD201APlant trees and shrubs20
AHCPGD202APrepare and maintain plant displays35
AHCPGD203APrune shrubs and small trees35
AHCPGD204ATransplant small trees20
AHCPGD205APrepare a grave site20
AHCPGD206AConduct visual inspection of park facilities20
AHCPGD301AImplement a plant establishment program80
AHCPGD302APlan and maintain plant displays50
AHCPGD303APerform specialist amenity pruning65
AHCPGD304AImplement a landscape maintenance program100
AHCPGD305AConduct operational inspection of park facilities70
AHCPGD306AImplement a maintenance program for an aquatic environment70
AHCPGD401ADesign plant displays90
AHCPGD402APlan a plant establishment program80
AHCPGD501AManage plant cultural practices200
AHCPGD502APlan the restoration of parks and gardens120
AHCPGD503AManage parks and reserves200
AHCPGD504ADevelop and implement a streetscape management plan120
AHCPGD505AConduct comprehensive inspection of park facilities150
AHCPHT101ASupport horticultural production15
AHCPHT201APlant horticultural crops25
AHCPHT202ACarry out canopy maintenance25
AHCPHT203ASupport horticultural crop harvesting25
AHCPHT204AUndertake field budding and grafting30
AHCPHT205ACarry out postharvest operations25
AHCPHT206AHandle and move mushroom boxes10
AHCPHT207APerform mushroom substrate process tasks40
AHCPHT208AWater mushroom crops30
AHCPHT301ACarry out a crop regulation program80
AHCPHT303AImplement a post-harvest program70
AHCPHT304AHarvest horticultural crops mechanically50
AHCPHT305ARegulate crops30
AHCPHT306AEstablish horticultural crops25
AHCPHT307APrepare raw materials and compost the feedstocks50
AHCPHT308APrepare value added compost-based products50
AHCPHT309ASupervise mushroom substrate preparation50
AHCPHT401AAssess olive oil for style and quality100
AHCPHT402ADevelop a crop regulation program100
AHCPHT403ADevelop harvesting and processing specifications to produce an olive oil100
AHCPHT404AImplement and monitor a horticultural crop harvesting program100
AHCPHT405AManage mushroom substrate preparation60
AHCPHT406AControl Phase II mushroom substrate process60
AHCPHT407AManage mushroom crop development90
AHCPHT502ADevelop a horticultural production plan180
AHCPHT503AManage a controlled growing environment120
AHCPLY201ACollect store and handle eggs from breeder flocks20
AHCPLY202AMaintain health and welfare of poultry40
AHCPLY203ASet up shed for placement of day-old chickens10
AHCPLY204ACollect and pack eggs for human consumption20
AHCPLY301AArtificially inseminate birds40
AHCPLY302ABrood poultry40
AHCPLY303AIdentify and sex birds20
AHCPLY304AIncubate eggs20
AHCPLY305ABeak trim chickens20
AHCPLY306AClean and fumigate intensive production sheds40
AHCPMG201ATreat weeds40
AHCPMG202ATreat plant pests, diseases and disorders30
AHCPMG301AControl weeds70
AHCPMG302AControl plant pests, diseases and disorders80
AHCPMG303AMaintain biological cultures70
AHCPMG304ARelease biological agents70
AHCPMG401ADefine the pest problem in a local area100
AHCPMG402ADevelop a pest management action plan within a local area100
AHCPMG403ADevelop monitoring procedures for the local pest management strategy100
AHCPMG404ACoordinate the local pest management strategy80
AHCPMG405AImplement pest management action plans80
AHCPMG406AInvestigate a reported pest treatment failure60
AHCPMG407AMonitor and evaluate the local pest management action plan70
AHCPMG408AAssess and monitor weed, pest and/or disease control programs80
AHCPMG501ACoordinate the pest management strategy in a regional or broader context200
AHCPMG502ADefine the pest problem in a regional or broader context200
AHCPMG503ADevelop a strategy for the management of target pests100
AHCPMG504ADevelop a system for monitoring the pest management strategy120
AHCPMG505AEvaluate the pest management strategy120
AHCPMG506AManage the implementation of legislation150
AHCPMG601ADevelop a plant pest survey strategy150
AHCPMG602ADevelop a plant pest destruction strategy150
AHCPRK201ACare for health and welfare of pigs40
AHCPRK202ACare for weaner and grower pigs40
AHCPRK203AMove and handle pigs40
AHCPRK301APregnancy test pigs40
AHCPRK302ATreat rectal prolapse in pigs40
AHCPRK303AArtificially inseminate pigs40
AHCPRK304AMate pigs and monitor dry sow performance40
AHCPRK401AImplement a feeding strategy for pig production100
AHCSAW201AConduct erosion and sediment control activities40
AHCSAW301AConstruct conservation earthworks70
AHCSAW302AImplement erosion and sediment control measures80
AHCSAW401ASet out conservation earthworks80
AHCSAW402ASupervise on-site implementation of conservation earthworks100
AHCSAW501ADesign control measures and structures120
AHCSAW502APlan erosion and sediment control measures120
AHCSAW503APlan conservation earthworks150
AHCSHG101AUndertake basic shearing and crutching20
AHCSHG201ACrutch sheep40
AHCSHG202AAssist in preparing for shearing and crutching20
AHCSHG203AShear sheep to novice level160
AHCSHG204AShear sheep to improver level160
AHCSHG205AGrind combs and cutters for machine shearing20
AHCSHG206APrepare handpiece and downtube for machine shearing20
AHCSHG207AShear goats160
AHCSHG208AShear alpacas100
AHCSHG209ASupport alpaca shearing operations20
AHCSHG301APrepare livestock for shearing40
AHCSHG302APrepare combs and cutters for machine shearing25
AHCSHG303AMaintain and service shearing handpieces15
AHCSHG304AShear sheep to professional level160
AHCSHG305AMaintain consistent shearing performance160
AHCSHG306ACarry out post-shearing procedures20
AHCSHG307APlan and prepare for alpaca shearing30
AHCSHG401AApply advanced shearing techniques160
AHCSHG402AConduct equipment experting for machine shearing120
AHCSHG403AAccount for shearing shed supplies30
AHCSHG404AManage shearing and crutching operations100
AHCSHG405AArrange employment for shearing operations30
AHCSHG406APrepare shearing team wages30
AHCSHG407AOversee and instruct shed staff100
AHCSOL201ADetermine basic properties of soil and/or growing media20
AHCSOL301APrepare growing media40
AHCSOL302AConstruct a soil profile80
AHCSOL401ASample soils and interpret results60
AHCSOL402ADevelop a soil use map for a property100
AHCSOL403APrepare acid sulphate soil management plans80
AHCSOL404ASupervise acid sulphate soil remediation and management projects80
AHCSOL501AMonitor and manage soils for production120
AHCSPO301AOperate a screen cleaner for seed processing70
AHCSPO302AOperate an indent cylinder70
AHCSPO303AOperate a gravity table70
AHCSPO304AOperate seed modification machinery70
AHCSPO305AOperate seed treatment machinery70
AHCSPO306AOperate specialised seed processing machinery70
AHCSPO307AHandle, package and store commercial quantities of seed70
AHCSPO308ASample seed before and after processing70
AHCTEQ301AInstall and terminate extra low voltage wiring systems60
AHCTRF101ASupport turf work10
AHCTRF201AAssist with turf construction30
AHCTRF202APrepare turf surfaces for play40
AHCTRF203ARenovate grassed areas30
AHCTRF204ASupport turf establishment40
AHCTRF301AConstruct turf playing surfaces90
AHCTRF302AEstablish turf60
AHCTRF303AImplement a grassed area maintenance program60
AHCTRF304AMonitor turf health60
AHCTRF305ARenovate sports turf60
AHCTRF401ADevelop a sports turf maintenance program90
AHCTRF402APlan and implement sports turf renovation70
AHCTRF501APlan the establishment of sports turf playing surfaces150
AHCVPT201AClear features that harbour pest animals30
AHCVPT202AMuster pest animals40
AHCVPT203AUse firearms to humanely destroy animals40
AHCVPT302AImplement vertebrate pest control program40
AHCVPT303ASurvey pest animals70
AHCVPT304AConduct vertebrate pest activities from aircraft30
AHCVPT305ATag and locate Judas animals40
AHCVPT306AApply animal trapping techniques40
AHCWAT201ASet up, operate and maintain water delivery systems for compost40
AHCWAT301AMonitor and operate water treatment processes70
AHCWAT501ADesign water treatment systems120
AHCWAT502AManage water systems120
AHCWOL101ASupport woolshed activities20
AHCWOL201APen sheep10
AHCWOL202APerform board duties80
AHCWOL203ACarry out wool pressing10
AHCWOL204AUndertake basic skirting of alpaca fleece20
AHCWOL301AAppraise wool using industry descriptions40
AHCWOL303APrepare wool based on its characteristics60
AHCWOL304APrepare fleece wool for classing50
AHCWOL305APrepare skirtings and oddments60
AHCWOL306ASupervise clip preparation140
AHCWOL307ADocument a wool clip30
AHCWOL308APrepare facilities for shearing and crutching50
AHCWOL310APress wool for a clip25
AHCWOL311APerform shed duties120
AHCWOL312AClass goat fibre120
AHCWOL313AClass alpaca fleece120
AHCWOL401ADetermine wool classing strategies40
AHCWOL402AUse individual fleece measurements to prepare wool for sale50
AHCWOL403APrepare for, implement and review wool harvesting, clip preparation and classing150
AHCWOL404AEstablish work routines and manage wool harvesting and preparation staff320
AHCWOL405AClass fleece wool120
AHCWRK101AMaintain the workplace10
AHCWRK201AObserve and report on weather25
AHCWRK202AObserve environmental work practices20
AHCWRK203AOperate in isolated and remote situations40
AHCWRK204AWork effectively in the industry20
AHCWRK205AParticipate in workplace communications30
AHCWRK206AObserve enterprise quality assurance procedures30
AHCWRK207ACollect and record production data30
AHCWRK208AProvide information on products and services60
AHCWRK209AParticipate in environmentally sustainable work practices20
AHCWRK301ACollect samples for a rural production or horticulture monitoring program60
AHCWRK302AMonitor weather conditions60
AHCWRK303ARespond to emergencies60
AHCWRK304ARespond to rescue incidents70
AHCWRK305ACoordinate work site activities70
AHCWRK306AComply with industry quality assurance requirements40
AHCWRK307ADevelop and apply fertiliser and soil ameliorant product knowledge80
AHCWRK308AHandle bulk materials in storage area60
AHCWRK310AProvide on-job training support60
AHCWRK311AConduct site inspections80
AHCWRK313AImplement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices50
AHCWRK401AImplement and monitor quality assurance procedures100
AHCWRK402AProvide information on issues and policies60
AHCWRK403ASupervise work routines and staff performance50
AHCWRK404AEnsure compliance with pest legislation50
AHCWRK501APlan, implement and review a quality assurance program120
AHCWRK502ACollect and manage data120
AHCWRK503APrepare reports60
AHCWRK504AAssess new industry developments120
AHCWRK505AManage trial and/or research material140
AHCWRK507AImplement professional practice100
AHCWRK508AInterpret legislation100
AHCWRK509AProvide specialist advice to clients100
AHCWRK510AAudit site operations80
AHCWRK511ADevelop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability100
AHCWRK601AMonitor projects in a program200
AHCWRK602ALead and manage community or industry organisations260
AHCWRK603ADesign and conduct a field-based research trial200
CPCPIG2011ADesign domestic urban irrigation systems4
BSBWOR501BManage personal work priorities and professional development60
HLTFA301CApply first aid18
RIIMPO304BConduct wheel loader operations40
RIIMPO318BConduct civil construction skid steer loader operations80
CUVACD302AProduce computer-aided drawings50
CUVACD303AProduce technical drawings50
FDFWGG3002ACoordinate canopy management activities20
FDFWGG2013ADeliver injection requirements20
FDFWGG3009AMonitor and maintain nursery plants40
FDFWGG2022ATake and process vine cuttings20
FDFWGG2009AOperate specialised canopy management equipment40
FDFWGG2020ACarry out hot water treatment40
FDFWGG2018AOperate vineyard equipment40
FDFWGG2005AMaintain callusing envrionment40
FDFWGG2008ATrain vines20
FDFWGG3004ACoordinate nursery activities40
FDFWGG2010AField graft vines40
FDFWGG3005APerform field nursery activities40
FDFWGG2006AObtain and process rootlings20
FDFWGG3006ACoordinate hand pruning activities40
FDFWGG2015ASupport mechanical harvesting operations20
FDFWGG2001ABench graft vines20
FDFWGG3010AImplement a soil management program40
FDFWGG2016AInstall and maintain vine trellis20
FDFWGG2002ACarry out potting operations20
FDFWGG2021AOperate nursery cold storage facilities40
FDFWGG3011APerform shed nursery activities40
FDFWGG2003AHand prune vines40
BSBCUS501CManage quality customer service40
BSBRSK501BManage risk60
BSBCUS301BDeliver and monitor a service to customers35
BSBSMB405BMonitor and manage small business operations45
CULCNM303AMove and store collection material40
CULATS501AWork with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural material80
CULCNM503AManage the development of collections60
CULCNM602ADevelop and monitor procedures for the movement and storage of collection material50
CPPFES2005ADemonstrate first attack firefighting equipment15
CPPWMT5043ADevelop and implement an environmental management strategy80
CPPWMT5045ADevelop site safety plans80
CHCCD404EDevelop and implement community programs125
HLTFA302CProvide first aid in remote situation16
SIRXCCS201Apply point-of-sale handling procedures20
SIRXCCS202Interact with customers30
SIRXCLM402Manage store facilities25
SIRXFIN201Balance and secure point-of-sale terminal20
SIRXMER201Merchandise products30
SIRXMER202Plan, create and maintain displays35
SIRXMER303Coordinate merchandise presentation35
SIRXMER406Monitor in-store visual merchandising display35
SIRXRSK404Control store security35
SIRXSLS201Sell products and services20
SIRXSLS303Build relationships with customers35
SIRXSLS406Manage sales and service delivery35
AHCIRG207ACarry out irrigation site preparation tasks20
AHCIRG208AAssist with the installation and maintenance of pumps and flow control devices for irrigation40
AHCIRG209ACarry out installation tasks for low volume irrigation35
AHCIRG211AAssist with low volume irrigation operations40
AHCIRG210ACarry out installation tasks for sprinkler irrigation40
AHCIRG212AAssist with sprinkler irrigation operations40
AHCIRG214AInstall micro-irrigation systems for landscaping30
AHCIRG213AAssist with surface irrigation operations30
AHCIRG308AMonitor soils under irrigation70
AHCIRG309AInterpret and apply instructions to install pumps50
AHCIRG310AOperate and maintain irrigation pumping systems60
AHCIRG311AInstall low volume irrigation components70
AHCIRG312AInstall sprinkler irrigation components70
AHCIRG313AInstall moving sprinkler irrigation components70
AHCIRG314AInstall surface irrigation structures and components70
AHCIRG315AInterpret irrigation plans and drawings50
AHCIRG316AImplement a low volume irrigation maintenance program50
AHCIRG317AImplement a sprinkler irrigation maintenance program50
AHCIRG318AImplement a moving sprinkler irrigation maintenance program50
AHCIRG319AImplement a surface irrigation maintenance program50
AHCIRG320AMaintain and repair irrigation drainage systems60
AHCIRG321AOperate low volume irrigation systems50
AHCIRG322AOperate sprinkler irrigation systems50
AHCIRG323AOperate moving sprinkler irrigation systems50
AHCIRG324AOperate surface irrigation systems50
AHCIRG325AOperate irrigation technology50
AHCIRG326AOperate irrigation injection equipment50
AHCIRG327AImplement an irrigation schedule80
AHCIRG411AConstruct and install a low volume irrigation system80
AHCIRG410ASelect and manage pumping systems for irrigation100
AHCIRG413AConstruct and install a moving sprinkler irrigation system80
AHCIRG412AConstruct and install a sprinkler irrigation system80
AHCIRG414AConstruct and install a surface irrigation system80
AHCIRG416ASupervise low volume irrigation maintenance70
AHCIRG415AInterpret and apply irrigation designs70
AHCIRG417ASupervise sprinkler irrigation maintenance70
AHCIRG418ASupervise moving sprinkler irrigation maintenance70
AHCIRG419ASupervise surface irrigation maintenance70
AHCIRG420AManage a low volume irrigation system70
AHCIRG421AManage a sprinkler irrigation system70
AHCIRG423AManage a surface irrigation system80
AHCIRG422AManage a moving sprinkler irrigation system70
AHCIRG424AConstruct and install an irrigation drainage system80
AHCIRG425AMonitor and control irrigation drainage systems80
AHCIRG426AEvaluate water supply for irrigation50
AHCIRG427APlan and supervise on-site irrigation system installation and construction work100
AHCIRG428AProvide irrigation sales and service80
AHCTRF502AManage sports turf renovation programs100
AHCTRF503ADevelop sports turf management programs110
AHCTRF504AManage sports turf facility assets95
PUAEMR026Treat operational risk25
PUAEMR027Assess operational risk25
AHCSDP303AMaintain seed crops40
AHCORG404AArrange selling through community based marketing40
AHCORG405AImplement sustainable practices in the organic farm based business60
AHCORG406AOversee compliance with an organic certification scheme60
AHCORG503ADesign and document an organic farm landscape100
AHCORG505ADevelop and monitor a sustainable production plan100
AHCORG504ADevelop and manage a community based marketing supply chain100
AHCORG506AManage an agro-ecology production system100
AHCSDP301AUndertake preparation of land for seed crop production60
AHCSDP302AEstablish seed crops60
AHCSDP304AHarvest seed crops80
AHCSDP401APlan a seed crop establishment program120
AHCSDP402ASupervise seed crop establishment60
AHCSDP403APlan and implement seed crop maintenance80
AHCSDP404ASupervise seed crop harvesting80
AHCSDP405AInspect a seed crop for quality assurance purposes130
AHCSDT301APrepare a working sample40
AHCSDT302AIdentify seeds120
AHCSDT303APerform a fluorescence test on seeds40
AHCSDT304APerform a seed purity analysis100
AHCSDT305APerform a seed moisture test60
AHCSDT306APerform a seed germination test120
AHCSDT307APerform a 'Determination of Other Seeds by Number' test40
AHCSDT401AMaintain a quarantine approved laboratory80
AHCSDT402APrepare and maintain a seed reference collection100
AHCSDT403APerform an Anguina test on annual ryegrass seed50
AHCSDT404ADevelop and implement laboratory policy and procedures50
AHCSDT405AHandle & store quarantinable seeds60
AHCSDT406AUndertake internal audits in a seed laboratory40
AHCSDT407APerform an endophytic seed test80
AHCSDT408APerform an electrophoresis test on a seed sample100
AHCSDT410APerform a seed vigour test120
AHCSDT409APerform a tetrazolium seed viability test120
AHCSDT411APerform a 1000 seed weight test30
BSBWHS508AManage WHS hazards associated with plant60
BSBWHS302AApply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace20
BSBWHS503AContribute to the systematic management of WHS risk40
FNSFMK512AApply knowledge of emissions markets70
SITXCCS201Provide visitor information35
SITXCOM301Address protocol requirements25
SITTGDE101Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture100
SITTGDE301Work as a guide90
SITTGDE306Research and share general information on Australian Indigenous cultures80
SITTGDE307Prepare specialised interpretive content on flora, fauna and landscape80
SITTGDE309Prepare specialised interpretive content on cultural and heritage environments80
SITTPPD402Develop interpretive activities60
SITTPPD602Develop environmentally sustainable tourism operations70
CPCCCM3001COperate elevated work platforms32
CPCCCM2010BWork safely at heights8
AHCASW306AUse technology in Aboriginal-sites work40
AHCILM307AImplement Aboriginal cultural burning practices40
AHCASW305AWork with Aboriginal ceremonial secret sacred materials30
AHCASW309AInterpret Aboriginal cultural landscape30
AHCASW501ASurvey and report on Aboriginal cultural sites60
AHCASW303AIdentify and record Aboriginal-sites, objects and cultural landscapes60
AHCPCM505AConduct environment and food safety risk assessment of plant nutrition and soil fertility programs120
AHCPHT506AManage a wine making process200
AHCPHT505AEvaluate wine200
AHCASW307AMap Aboriginal cultural landscapes40
AHCILM510APlan for successful cultural practice at work90
AHCASW302ARelate Aboriginal culture to sites work50
AHCASW310AMove and store Aboriginal cultural material30
AHCASW312AMaintain an Aboriginal cultural site40
AHCPHT209AProduce trellis dried grapes60
AHCASW311AApply relevant legislation in Aboriginal-sites work40
AHCASW308AApply cultural significance to Aboriginal-sites and landscapes30
AHCPHT408AOversee vineyard practices80
AHCILM306AFollow Aboriginal cultural protocols40
AHCASW301AProtect places of Aboriginal cultural significance70
AHCASW304AIdentify Indigenous culturally significant plants50
AHCPHT504ADevelop a grape production plan180
AHCILM305AWork with an Aboriginal Community or organisation50
PUAFIR215Prevent injury8
AHCCFI509APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative savannah burning, feral animal or rangelands project150
AHCCFI507APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative waste or manure management project130
AHCCFI501AProvide technical advice on the Carbon Farming Initiative80
AHCHBR308AMaintain horses in a healthy state and safe environment100
AHCCFI502AAssess the feasibility of a Carbon Farming Initiative project70
AHCCFI508APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative project to sequester carbon in soil or biochar140
AHCCFI504AMonitor and report on a Carbon Farming Initiative project70
AHCCFI506APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative livestock project130
AHCHBR309ADetermine nutritional requirements for horses80
AHCCFI503AAdvise on Carbon Farming Initiative project planning and implementation80
AHCCFI505AAggregate Carbon Farming Initiative projects80
AHCCFI510APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative vegetation project120
AHCCFI511APlan a Carbon Farming Initiative project to avoid emissions from soil or crops120
AHCLSK335AConduct dropped ovary technique procedures for spaying cattle
HLTAID003Provide first aid18
HLTAID002Provide basic emergency life support12
AHCBAC309ASample and test grain and related commodities80
AHCLSK418AEscort livestock during export60
AHCPHT310ACoordinate horticultural crop harvesting70
AHCPLY402ASupervise free-range poultry operations60
RIIWHS202DEnter and work in confined spaces30
RIIMPO324DConduct civil construction grader operations240
RIIMPO319DConduct backhoe/loader operations200
RIIMPO318DConduct civil construction skid steer loader operations80
RIIWHS205DControl traffic with stop-slow bat20
AHCLSK334APlan, prepare and conduct mulesing procedures100