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Nominal hours for units of competency from the

TAE10 Training and Education

Updated: 28 Mar 2025

Unit CodeUnit TitleNominal Hours
CHCCS405AWork effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers30
CHCORG14BManage a service organisation90
PSPHR616AManage performance management system60
PSPMNGT614AFacilitate knowledge management60
BSBAUD402BParticipate in a quality audit40
BSBCMM401AMake a presentation30
BSBCOM501BIdentify and interpret compliance requirements20
BSBDIV701ADevelop cross cultural communication and negotiation strategies80
BSBFIM501AManage budgets and financial plans70
BSBFIM701AManage financial resources80
BSBIND302AWork effectively in the international education services industry50
BSBINM501AManage an information or knowledge management system50
BSBINN501AEstablish systems that support innovation50
BSBINN502ABuild and sustain an innovative work environment50
BSBINN801ALead innovative thinking and practice80
BSBITB701AImplement advanced electronic technologies80
BSBLED401ADevelop teams and individuals40
BSBLED501ADevelop a workplace learning environment60
BSBLED701ALead personal and strategic transformation80
BSBLED702ALead learning strategy implementation80
BSBLED705APlan and implement a mentoring program60
BSBLED706APlan and implement a coaching strategy60
BSBLED707AEstablish career development services80
BSBLED708AConduct a career development session50
BSBLED709AIdentify and communicate trends in career development60
BSBLED710ADevelop human capital80
BSBMGT502BManage people performance70
BSBMGT616ADevelop and implement strategic plans80
BSBMKG413APromote products and services40
BSBMKG513APromote products and services to international markets70
BSBOHS509AEnsure a safe workplace60
BSBPMG510AManage projects60
BSBPMG609ADirect procurement and contracting for a project program50
BSBREL402ABuild client relationships and business networks50
BSBREL501ABuild international client relationships35
BSBREL502ABuild international business networks50
BSBREL701ADevelop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships40
BSBRES401AAnalyse and present research information40
BSBRES801AInitiate and lead applied research150
BSBWOR401AEstablish effective workplace relationships50
TAEDEL301AProvide work skill instruction40
TAEDEL401APlan, organise and deliver group-based learning30
TAEDEL402APlan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace25
TAEDEL403ACoordinate and facilitate distance-based learning30
TAEDEL404AMentor in the workplace30
TAEDEL501AFacilitate e-learning30
TAEDES401ADesign and develop learning programs50
TAEDES402AUse training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs25
TAEEDU401ACoordinate provision of pastoral care services to international students50
TAEEDU501AFacilitate international education compliance80
TAEEDU502AManage international education issues and incidents80
TAEEDU503AManage international student recruitment and selection60
TAEEDU504AManage international education and training processes60
TAEEDU505AManage international client accommodation services40
TAEEDU506AFacilitate international education events and programs60
TAEEDU507AManage transnational offshore education programs60
TAEEDU508AManage international education financial and administrative processes80
TAEEDU509AUse information to enhance international education work role performance30
TAEEDU701AInvestigate current trends in internationalisation of education80
TAEEDU702AEstablish international onshore education initiatives80
TAEEDU703AEstablish transnational offshore education initiatives80
TAEEDU704AConduct applied international education research80
TAELED703AImplement improved learning practice60
TAELED704AReview enterprise e-learning systems and solutions implementation80
TAELLN401AAddress adult language, literacy and numeracy skills30
TAELLN701AAnalyse and apply adult literacy teaching practices120
TAELLN702AAnalyse and apply adult numeracy teaching practices120
TAELLN703ADevelop English language skills of adult learners120
TAELLN704AImplement and evaluate delivery of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills120
TAELLN705ADesign and conduct pre-training assessment of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills60
TAELLN706ALead the delivery of adult language, literacy and numeracy support services50
TAELLN801AAnalyse policy and formulate strategic language, literacy and numeracy response70
TAELLN802AResearch and implement new adult language, literacy and numeracy practices50
TAELLN803AFormulate workplace strategy for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development50
TAELLN804ADesign programs to develop adult language, literacy and numeracy skills50
TAELLN805AFormulate strategy for adult language, literacy and numeracy skill development in a community program50
TAELLN806AInitiate, develop and evaluate adult language, literacy and numeracy resources50
TAELLN807ADesign, implement and evaluate an adult language, literacy and numeracy professional development program40
TAESUS501AAnalyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs30
TAETAS401AMaintain training and assessment information40
BSBCUS501BManage quality customer service40
BSBMKG516BProfile international markets50
BSBHRM505BManage remuneration and employee benefits60
BSBINN601BManage organisational change60
BSBMGT516CFacilitate continuous improvement60
ICAICT705ADirect ICT procurement80
TAEDEL502AProvide advanced facilitation practice50
TAEASS403BParticipate in assessment validation20
TAERES501AApply research to training and assessment practice70
TAESUS502AIdentify and apply current sustainability education principles and practice to learning programs40
TAEDES505AEvaluate a training program50
TAEASS505ALead and coordinate assessment systems and services50
TAEASS501AProvide advanced assessment practice50
TAEASS301BContribute to assessment10
TAEASS502BDesign and develop assessment tools30
TAEASS402BAssess competence15
TAEDES502ADesign and develop learning resources50
TAEASS401BPlan assessment activities and processes20
TAEASS504ADevelop and implement recognition strategies50
TAEDES504AResearch and develop units of competency30
TAEICR501AWork in partnership with industry, enterprises and community groups50
TAETAS501BUndertake organisational training needs analysis40
TAEASS503ALead assessment validation processes30
TAEPDD501AMaintain and enhance professional practice45
TAEDES503ADesign and develop e-learning resources50
TAEDES501ADesign and develop learning strategies40
TAELLN501BSupport the development of adult language, literacy and numeracy skills50
TAEASS801AAnalyse, implement and evaluate e-assessment60
TAEDEL802AUse e-learning with social media60
TAEDEL801AEvaluate, implement and use ICT-based educational platforms90
TAELED801ADesign pedagogy for e-learning90
TAELED802AInvestigate the application of ICT content knowledge60
TAELLN411Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills30