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Nominal hours for units of competency from the

SIF08 Funeral Services Training Package

Updated: 26 Mar 2025

Unit CodeUnit TitleNominal Hours
BSBCMN207APrepare and process financial/business documents30
BSBCMN403AEstablish business networks40
BSBMGT503APrepare budgets and financial plans60
BSBMGT504AManage budgets and financial plans40
BSBSBM301AResearch business opportunities30
BSBEBUS508ABuild a virtual community30
RTC2012APlant trees and shrubs20
RTC2404ATreat plant pests, diseases and disorders30
RTC3805ACoordinate work site activities70
TDTJ197BApply quality procedures20
RTF2017APrune shrubs and small trees35
RTF3203AConstruct brick and/or block structures and features100
RTF3208AInstall metal structures and features80
RTE2308AOperate ride-on vehicles30
RTE3601AInstall irrigation systems70
RTE3603AInstall drainage systems50
RTE3611AOperate pressurised irrigation systems50
BCGCM1001BFollow OHS policies and procedures40
BCGCM2007BUse explosive power tools (EPT)16
BCCPO3016BConduct dump truck operations60
BSBFLM405BImplement operational plan50
BSBFLM409BImplement continuous improvement50
BSBFLM506BManage workplace information systems60
BSBFLM511BDevelop a workplace learning environment60
BSBFLM513AManage budgets and financial plans within the work team70
BSBFLM514AManage people60
SRXEMR001ARespond to emergency situations18
HLTFA301BApply first aid18
FNSACCT503BManage budgets and forecasts50
FNSICORG516BPrepare financial reports to meet statutory requirements40
TLIC107CDrive vehicle30
TLID1007COperate a forklift40
TLIJ107CApply quality procedures20
TLIR207CSource goods/services and evaluate contractors30
TLIR307CNegotiate a contract40
SIRXHRM001AAdminister human resources policy35
SIRXHRM002ARecruit and select personnel35
SIRXMGT003ALead and manage people35
SIRXOHS003AProvide a safe working environment35
BSBADM101AUse business equipment and resources15
BSBCUS501AManage quality customer service40
BSBFIA301AMaintain financial records60
BSBINM201AProcess and maintain workplace information30
BSBINM202AHandle mail15
BSBITS401AMaintain business technology40
BSBITU202ACreate and use spreadsheets30
BSBITU306ADesign and produce business documents80
BSBITU402ADevelop and use complex spreadsheets50
BSBLED401ADevelop teams and individuals40
BSBMGT403AImplement continuous improvement40
BSBRKG301BControl records40
BSBRKG303BRetrieve information from records25
BSBRKG304BMaintain business records30
BSBRKG402BProvide information from and about records20
BSBRKG403BSet up a business or records system for a small business40
BSBSMB402APlan small business finances50
BSBSMB404AUndertake small business planning50
BSBSMB405AMonitor and manage small business operations45
BSBSMB406AManage small business finances60
BSBWOR204AUse business technology20
SITHFAB009AProvide responsible service of alcohol10
SITHFAB010APrepare and serve non alcoholic beverages15
TAADEL301CProvide training through instruction and demonstration of work skills40
SIFBCR002ATransfer coffins and caskets10
SIFBCR003AManufacture vault lids40
SIFBCR004ABury coffins and caskets10
SIFBCR006ACoordinate chapel operations20
SIFBCR007APrepare vaults or crypts for burials20
SIFBCR008ASchedule burials or cremations20
SIFBCR009AReinstate vaults or crypts20
SIFBCR010ASupervise burials40
SIFBCR011ACremate coffins and caskets60
SIFBCR012AArrange and oversee viewings of cremations30
SIFBCR013ACoordinate the collection or memorialisation of cremated remains30
SIFBCR014ASupervise cremations40
SIFBCR015AMemorialise cremated remains20
SIFBCR016ASupervise exhumations30
SIFBCR017APrepare for gravedigging20
SIFBCR018ABackfill and make good graves10
SIFBCR019ACoordinate burial works40
SIFBCR020ADig a grave manually50
SIFBCR021AConsolidate collapsed graves30
SIFBCR022ACoordinate monument installation40
SIFBCR023ADig a grave using machinery50
SIFBCR024ARemove ledger and concrete lid20
SIFBCR025AExhume a burial site30
SIFBCR026AManage lift and reposition or deepen operations30
SIFBGM002AMaintain property and structures20
SIFBGM004AInstall basic masonry structures40
SIFBGM005APlace and finish concrete for cemetery or crematorium structures20
SIFBGM006AEvaluate building and grounds maintenance and development needs40
SIFBGM007ACoordinate building and grounds maintenance and development40
SIFBGM008AConstruct signs20
SIFCCS002APrepare and present finger food20
SIFCCS003ALiaise with community40
SIFCCS004ACoordinate interaction with clients20
SIFFNL001ATransfer deceased persons20
SIFFNL002AAssist with the conduct of a funeral15
SIFFNL003AArrange funerals60
SIFFNL004AArrange and oversee viewings30
SIFFNL005AArrange intrastate and interstate repatriations20
SIFFNL006AArrange international repatriations40
SIFFNL007AConduct a funeral50
SIFFNL009APlan and conduct a funeral ceremony50
SIFGLC001AMaintain and care for historical records20
SIFGLC002AControl and order goods35
SIFGLC003AConduct internal quality audits20
SIFGLC004AMonitor contracted services and supplies30
SIFIND002ADeal with grief and trauma20
SIFIND003AParticipate in industry networks20
SIFMGT001ACoordinate a team20
SIFMGT002ACoordinate staff20
SIFMGT003ASupervise staff35
SIFMPR001AImplement marketing and promotional activities30
SIFMPR002APrepare and conduct tours40
SIFMPR003ALiaise with the media40
SIFMPR004ADevelop marketing strategies and activities50
SIFMWK001AEncoffin the deceased person18
SIFMWK002AMaintain linen supplies15
SIFMWK003AClean and sterilise mortuary items and equipment25
SIFMWK005ADetermine body preparation requirements20
SIFMWK006ACleanse and disinfect deceased bodies20
SIFMWK007ASet facial features20
SIFMWK008ARestore minor body damage60
SIFMWK009ARestore head damage on autopsied cases50
SIFMWK010ARestore and set eyes after eye donation15
SIFMWK011ADress bodies and apply cosmetics50
SIFMWK012ASupervise mortuary operations40
SIFMWK013ADetermine embalming requirements30
SIFMWK014ATreat the arterial system150
SIFMWK015ATreat abdominal and thoracic cavities60
SIFMWK016ATreat tissue gas40
SIFMWK017ADesign a mortuary60
SIFOHS001AFollow OHS procedures40
SIFOHS002AFollow infection and contamination control procedures20
SIFOHS003AFollow mortuary OHS procedures50
SIFOHS004AWork in confined spaces30
SIFOHS005AImplement and monitor infection and contamination control practices20
SIFOHS006AImplement and monitor OHS procedures30
SIFOHS007AIdentify hazards and assess risks in a cemetery or crematorium20
SIFOHS008AReview and develop mortuary OHS policies and procedures40
SIFSLS001ASell funeral and burial products and services20
SIFSLS002ASell pre-need funeral and burial products and services20
SIFSLS003ALead a sales team30
SIFTVM001ADrive funeral vehicles30
SIFTVM002AInspect and maintain vehicles and equipment20
SIFTVM003AOperate a backhoe, front-end loader or excavator80
SIFBGM001BProvide general grounds care20
SIFFNL008BCoordinate funeral operations40
SIFBCR001BCoordinate burial site preparation and reinstatement25
SIFMWK004BCoordinate mortuary operations40
SIFCCS001BProvide service to clients40
SIFBGM003BClean and maintain public conveniences and amenities10
SIFIND001BWork effectively in the funeral services industry40
SIFBCR005BInstall burial vaults60